Why Students Enthusiastically Endorse their own American Boarding School Experience

15 Jan 2014 8:03 AM | Anonymous

One job requirement I love about being an educational consultant is that I have to get out and visit schools. Although I have seen over 175 different boarding schools, I grab every opportunity I have to learn about new schools so that I can better serve my students and families. After just visiting another five American boarding schools, I am more enthusiastic than ever about the huge range of students served and the opportunities these schools offer. What is so remarkable to me is that each boarding school has its own unique character, culture, student profile, and niche of students they serve. And each school is mature and self-confident enough to know exactly who they are and who they serve best, so they don’t even attempt to be all things to all people. I like this approach, because I feel that ultimately, it’s the student that is best served.

All of these schools welcome international students as well, and do their best to make them feel at home.

Some schools offer fantastic learning support, while others emphasize a classical approach to education while acknowledging that it’s not for everyone. Some schools have a very experiential approach to learning, and all schools seek to take advantage of their geographic locations to maximize learning opportunities for students. I spoke with administrators, counselors, and teachers about the teaching and learning experience at these schools, but it was the conversations I had with students that thrilled me the most.

My favorite question to ask students is, “What will you take away from the experiences you have had at this school?” Here are their answers – let them tell you why boarding school is an option they have loved!

·       College is no longer daunting for me because I know I’m ready

·       I’m more willing to try new things

·       I was exposed to many more experiences as well as culture

·       I’m more open-minded

·       I love the sense of community

·       I got to be in leadership roles

·       The academics

·       I like going away from home and being with my friends in the dorm, and will be a proctor next year

·       I learned organizational skills

·       I became more independent

·       I learned how to manage my time and my things

·       I realized there is always help around from teachers and other students

·       I learned study skills

·    I loved the relationships with my teachers – the biggest class I’m in has 12 students

·       I like being able to build relationships with my teachers and the ability to quickly get help and quick extra study sessions at night

·       Here the teachers really care about their students

·       The teachers are our friends, too

·       I learned how to manage my time and be self-disciplined, and that will help me in college

·       I learned how to find resources on my own, and not just go to my parents and my brothers

·       I have had to relate to other people and groups that are different from myself

·       The work is hard but I’m more interested

·       I like being able to introduce my new friends to my old friends back home

·       With only 8 kids in my class, I’m more invested in my own learning

·       This school taught me how to think

·       I feel good about myself

·       I can participate in a lot more activities

·       I like the family feel here

·       I became a self-starter

·       I now think about something greater than myself

·       I learned how to be a more “faithful, hopeful, loving person”

Contributed by  Rebecca Grappo, an Educational Consultant and the mother of three grown expat kids.  Becky has lived almost 30 years as an expat in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Portugal, Jordan, Oman, the UAE and Israel.  She is now based in Denver, Colorado and blogs at RNG International Educational Consultants