Definitions we apply to the expatriate community discussed at FIGT Netherlands Affiliate Meeting

16 Jun 2015 7:57 AM | Anonymous

The most recent Affiliate meeting was held on June 5th, 2015, featuring  Diane Lemieux discussing her book (co-authored by Anne Parker)The Mobile Life. This meeting was hosted by Webster University, The Netherlands, the only U.S.-accredited university in The Netherlands offering both a BA/BS and MA/MBA education. Webster ensures high quality learning experiences that prepare students for global citizenship and individual excellence. Check them out online at

This event was also co-hosted by Expat Nest  which provides ‘counselling without borders’ as it offers emotional support for expats and their families online (via Skype, Facetime). Check them out online at 

Despite the gorgeous Dutch weather, the (indoor!) meeting was attended by approximately 25 participants coming from all corners of the country. Diane sparked a lively discussion around the definitions we apply to individuals who are part of the expatriate community ("trailing spouses, TCK's, expats, immigrants," etc.). There was also excitement in the room, as many of the affiliate participants are eager to learn more about the upcoming FIGT conference taking place in The Netherlands! The next NL affiliate meeting will take place in November.

For more information about the FIGT Netherlands Affiliate, check out their page on the FIGT website or contact Co-Creators Kate Berger, Kristine Racina or Vivian Chiona at