Gold Sponsor CrossBorder Living Institute

26 Feb 2019 9:25 AM | Anonymous

Some of the enduring themes that capture the cross-cultural experiences of FIGT members and our broader global community are transition, change, identity, stability, and growth. When these same topics are at the core of a long-time sponsor’s newest endeavor, and she chooses to share that news by not only renewing but increasing her sponsorship of FIGT, it is particularly exciting. We are thrilled to announce our newest Gold Sponsor: CrossBorder Living Institute, led by Jennifer Patterson.

“As many of you know, for several years our advisory firm, Patterson Partners had the honor of sponsoring FIGT,” Jennifer said, sharing how discussions at several of FIGT’s annual conferences helped identify specific financial needs among the globally mobile. “During those years we were privileged to have plenty of robust conversations, many of which really helped highlight the gap that exists in the market between consumers who need access to solid information and resources, and the ability of regulated financial services firms to adequately serve in that gap.”

“The models for today just don’t exist, particularly when it comes to roles, money, identity, and frankly, personal financial matters while living across borders,” she explained. “The stresses on families and relationships are increasing. The stresses that accompany making informed financial decisions among the dizzying array of advisor types, advisory compensation models, changing economies, changing tax rules, and rules that conflict with one another across borders are staggering. It’s no wonder that family units are breaking under it all.”

“My solution to begin closing this gap was publication of my second book, Financial Planning for Global Living, which in many ways exposes the gap, and the creation of The Cross Border Living Institute. We want to make a difference to more people than we can in Patterson Partners.

We created the Institute to start a conversation, provide access to the information that is otherwise hard to find, and help synthesize the information through a capstone program as well as resources including how to communicate about money and improve financial intimacy as a cross-border couple.”

Jennifer knows firsthand the complexities of globally mobile life, having lived overseas more than half her life, and raised two tri-national kids with her dual-national husband.

“We have learned so much, both living the life and working with clients one on one over the last few years. We’ve honed the model in the trenches and know that there is such a need for resources that help cross-border individuals, and couples in particular, navigate everyday issues, make an impact, and thrive today and sustain that into the future. ”

FIGT appreciates the continued commitment of Jennifer Patterson to recognize the challenges and help make life easier for the globally mobile, and welcomes CrossBorder Living Institute as a Gold Sponsor.

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