Difficult Times and Resilience: From the Archives

01 Nov 2019 3:45 AM | Anonymous

This month, we’re looking at “difficult times” in the many stages of a mobile life and “resilience” to get us through. We’ve dug through our archives and found some gems from our members.

5 Things to Remember When Circumstances Overwhelm You

By Norman Viss

We’re all influenced by circumstances. And global citizens are often more aware of circumstances than those who remain in the routines of home. Contemplating Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor E. Frankl’s words in his book Man’s Search for Meaning, Norman Viss offers five thoughts to help us cope with times when circumstances overwhelm us.

Expat Life, Expat Death

By Apple Gidley

Losing our loved ones is never easy but when distance intervenes, too often the heartbreak is tainted with a sense of guilt. Apply Gidley’s tale of losing her father reflects a painful reality of expat life and expat death.

The Real Stages of Moving Abroad

By Naomi Hattaway

The so-called four stages of post-move adjustment is fairly well known — but reality isn’t quite so tidy. One global nomad, Naomi Hattaway, tells us about the real stages of moving abroad!

¿Perdido en la incertidumbre? Ever Felt Lost in Uncertainty?

By Paula Vexlir

A Spanish-English bilingual post. Especially if you are moving for your spouse’s job, you may have the feeling that you cannot make decisions about your own life. But psychologist Paula Vexlir reminds us that — despite the uncertainties of expat life — each one of us has the ability to determine our own life directions and values.

Expat Communication with Friends and Family...What We Really Mean by “Fine”

By Rachel Yates

One of the hardest things about relocating abroad is leaving dear friends and family behind. If you're finding it difficult to explain how conflicted life is as an expat, Rachel Yates has put together some pointers that you can share with those 'left behind.'

SOS: Homesickness at Boarding School

By Rebecca Grappo

Your child at boarding school calls you to say they are unhappy. What should you do? Educational consultant Rebecca Grappo reassures parents not to panic. The first thing is to assess whether it’s a true crisis call or a reaching out for support, and then act accordingly.

Reverse Culture Shock. Repatriation. Re-entry. Returning Home.

By Lindy Chapman

Moving back “home” is actually not unlike moving to a foreign country. So why is repatriation so hard?! Lindy explains how expectations have a lot to do with it and then provides eight practical tips to help you successfully anticipate and navigate the return “home.”

The Dilemma of Belonging Everywhere, and Nowhere

By Jonelle Hilleary

How do expats grapple with the need to belong when we seem to belong everywhere and nowhere at the same time? Can we ever go “home”? Jonelle Hilleary ponders the question in the years after her repatriation.

Interested in contributing to the blog for future themes? Small business and corporate members can submit up to three posts a year — submit your article here. Other members: if you have an idea please get in touch with blogeditor@figt.org to discuss.