Danau Tanu Is FIGT2020 Keynote Speaker

09 Jan 2020 9:46 PM | Anonymous

Anthropologist, author & TCK, Danau Tanu, PhD will be one of the keynote speakers at FIGT’s 2020 Annual Conference in Bangkok this March.

Danau is the author of Growing Up in Transit: The Politics of Belonging at an International School, which is based on her doctoral research. Currently, she is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia and an editor of Inside Indonesia.

Danau has published in-depth, ethnographic studies on Third Culture Kids (TCKs), international schools and mixed-race identities among other topics. Her research is driven by a desire to uncover the hidden voices among TCKs while trying to understand her own experiences of being born in Canada with Chinese Indonesian and Japanese heritage and growing up in several countries. 

[Listen to Danau talk about her TCK background and how she picked her Ph.D. topic.]

In 2019, out of her passion for making research on TCKs accessible to the public and exploring the diversity of the TCK experience, she joined Isabelle Min and several others whom she met at FIGT 2019 to start an online forum called, ‘TCKs of Asia’. 

ALSO: See our full lineup of FIGT2020 Keynote Speakers.

Look out for more details of Danau’s keynote and an interview with her coming soon. FIGT2020 Embracing & Bridging Differences will take place in Bangkok, March 13-15. For more information and to register, visit the Conference page.