
A showcase of FIGT Members' written work, focusing on the issues we study, the best practices we share, and the strategies we provide to support expatriates and cross cultural individuals and their families. Contributions are a privilege for Small Business and Corporate membership levels only and you can submit up to 3 posts per year. Please use our online form below to submit a blog for consideration or contact

  • 10 Aug 2018 10:50 AM | Anonymous

    A new monthly message from our Membership Chair: for members & non-members alike. An opportunity to remind the community of the treasure of resources, solutions and opportunities this broader community has to offer.

    Before I share this months’ #FIGTmember moment ….how excited are you about the announcement made regarding #FIGT2019? I for one, am already looking forward to the excitement of a new location, the new discussions which will no doubt result and of course, hoping as many of those I have connected with in the past - at conferences or online - will be there too.

    As exciting and important as our annual conference is, we know, as Board members that not everyone can attend. This was in part one of the reasons a new membership strategy was launched in The Hague at #FIGT18. We wanted to extend the dynamics of the connections made between people drawn to FIGT year round - to those who are able to attend a conference, as well as those who are not able. 

    We reduced our annual membership to make FIGT more accessible; we introduced the Public Directory for organisations, international schools, small businesses and non-profits to be available as resources to all (member as well as non-member) and we have opened a group on Facebook for our members who are on Facebook. To date our groups on FB have either been conference or theme related - but we want to invite all to the discussion - regardless of whether or not they have attended a conference. So, if you are a member but have not yet asked to join the FIGT Members Facebook group, please do so. 

    All our members are welcome to join and share who they are, what they are doing, call for help for resources as they move, arrive to of leave from a location.

    We appreciate not everyone is on Facebook, so to those who are not, please take advantage of the Members Only section of our website, where you can also reach out to fellow members with a question, suggestion or conversation. And, less active - but with intentions to grow - we are also on LinkedIn - as a page and a group.

    Rest assured, as is our practice, a Conference Group will be opened for 2019 Conference attendees as soon as conference registration opens.

    Two final reminders to our current members:

    Are you listed in the Public Directory? DO take a moment to ensure your profile is updated and complete. You can do so by logging in. Having difficulty? Get in touch with Judy, our Administrator who would be happy to help uploading your profile picture or logo.

    Take a look & listen: Sir Mark Moody-Stuarts’ Keynote presentation at #FIGT18 is now available. This keynote presentation resulted in much discussion, and debate - about corporates being at the FIGT ‘table’: should they?, why?, what could they bring to the discussion or take from the experience? Sir Mark’s Keynote address is now available to all our Members.

    Lastly, interested in becoming an FIGT Member? We did announce a new, more accessible fee structure and categories at #FIGT18 which you can read about here.

  • 08 Aug 2018 10:34 AM | Anonymous

    FIGT is fortunate to have supportive sponsors. This is the fourth of a short series of articles highlighting those whose invaluable financial and professional support helps keep FIGT growing.

    Another multi-year FIGT sponsor is Worldwide Speech, owned by Erin Long. Erin has lived as an expat for many years, and understands the unique lifestyle and choices expat families must make when choosing the best education options for their children. She and her team are familiar with the nature of a mobile, cross-cultural education requiring children to transition from one international school to the next. This is reflected in the wide variety of educational services they offer online, including speech and occupational therapy, reading and math intervention/tutoring, Individualized Education Program (IEP) equivalents, and teacher training for classroom modifications.

    All of Worldwide Speech therapists and teachers are certified in their disciplines and specially trained to teach and provide therapy online. As Erin explains, “We can help a huge range of children. Our clients range from kids that need minor support at school to kids requiring various types of therapy and classroom modifications.”

    Working with and supporting globally mobile families is the very reason Erin’s Worldwide Speech has been such a stalwart sponsor of FIGT. “We decided FIGT was the ideal organization to sponsor because our clients are children in constant transition. We understand their needs and the special challenges they may face with education in international school settings. Our goal is to reach out to families and let them know they can find help for their children.”

    Attendance at the yearly FIGT conference is a natural result of sponsorship. “The value in attending the annual conference is two-fold,” Erin says. “We learn about the various challenges families are facing when looking at education options for their children. We see the various ways people approach and think about their children’s needs. The atmosphere at FIGT allows people to be honest and discuss their concerns in a group of like-minded people.”

    Erin points out that she also personally gains invaluable information at the conference as she and her family live a life in transition as well. Through FIGT, she has learned about the effects constant moving has on children, and uses this knowledge to inform her decisions, both professionally, and with her own children.

    Read more about our great sponsors from our 2018 Conference here: Expat Journals, Access, International Family Law Group.

  • 01 Aug 2018 1:34 PM | Anonymous

    We are excited to announce the theme for the first FIGT conference to be held in South East Asia!

    Connect. Lead. Change.

    Families in Global Transition 2019 Conference is welcoming new perspectives to inspire and support people in transition using the theme ideas: Connect. Lead. Change. The Request for Proposals (RFP) describes the theme further.

    Connect: How the challenges and advantages of virtual and physical connections (or disconnections) impact values, families, careers, identities, friends, traditions, languages, cultures, and rituals.

    Lead: Ways of inspiring and cultivating leadership, qualities of leaders, and research on the subject matter as directly relevant to people in global transition.

    Change: How global mobility drives personal and professional change, innovative thinking, and adaptation to a constantly shifting environment.

    Program Director, Daniela Tomer, revealed that the theme emerged from the experience of the 20th Anniversary Conference in The Hague in 2018. There, the Program Committee observed that FIGT has become a platform for connections to be made, for leadership to be developed and displayed, and a platform to call for and empower change.

    As Tomer described, “People come to FIGT who are interested in global transitions, to learn, to connect with others who have experience or expertise; to make new connections, to deepen connections formed at previous conferences and to connect in real life with those they may have previously connected with online. This year we saw FIGT presenters leading great initiatives for change.”

    She expressed the hope that presenters from all sides of the global transition – the owners of the move, the movers themselves -the TCKs, CCKs, expat partners, the supporters of the moves -the educators, therapists, counsellors and others who can speak to an aspect of the theme, “will find different ways of looking at these ideas and provide opportunities for diverse and exciting presentations.”

    For those who haven’t encountered us before FIGT is a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them. We promote cross-sector connections for sharing research and developing best practices that support the growth, success and well-being of people crossing cultures around the world. 

    To learn more about the RFP and how to submit a proposal click here.

  • 27 Jul 2018 8:44 AM | Anonymous

    FIGT is fortunate to have supportive sponsors. This is the third of a short series of articles highlighting those whose invaluable financial and professional support helps keep FIGT growing.

    Expat Journals, guided journals to support the wellbeing, growth and development of successful transitions for expats on their global journeys, is the brainchild and joint venture of Trisha Carter − organizational psychologist, cultural intelligence expert, and international coach and trainer with expertise in cross-cultural adaptation – and Rachel Yates – web designer, writer, speaker and creator of online relocation resources for individuals and families. Recently the dynamic duo shared insights about their business, sponsorship of FIGT, and what they gain from attending the annual conferences.

    “We want the FIGT audience to understand the critical role that journaling can have,” Rachel said. “In cross cultural growth, in the development of cultural intelligence, and in managing change on a personal, social and emotional level, journaling really is an amazing practice to build. Trisha has long been a leader in this field and is the true brains behind the Expat Journals process, and we want people to know and understand why Finding Home Abroad and the upcoming additions to the Expat Journals toolkit are such powerful, expert and culture-centric tools.”

    “We sponsor FIGT for a number of reasons,” she continued, “including our own passion for the organization, our recognition that it is one of the foremost forums for research / expert-led discussion in the cross-cultural field, and our desire to share our work with people who can use it both personally and professionally.”

    Sponsorship has also provided them both inspiration and ideas for product development.

    “The conversations we have with people about how journaling has helped them and how our publications have supported that,” Trisha explained, “are really encouraging and keep us working on designing new versions.”

    For Rachel, each year’s conference provides “networking opportunities, the ability to share the background development / underpinning theory, as well as proudly show people the practical product. It’s also an opportunity for Trisha and me to connect in person, and the ability to meet / reconnect with supporters of our personal and professional journey.”

    “Don’t forget it was attending FIGT conferences where we met in real life!” added Trisha. “I met Rachel virtually on Twitter over the conference hashtag, and loved her writing and the look of her web designs. When I wanted to pull this project together, I knew her expat systems and processes would be exactly what the journals needed to add the detail side of the journals.”

    Read more about our great sponsors from our 2018 Conference here: Worldwide SpeechAccess, International Family Law Group.

  • 20 Jul 2018 11:32 AM | Anonymous

    Exciting News!

    The 2019 FIGT conference will be held in Bangkok, Thailand.

    FIGT President, Kristine Racina has signed an agreement with the NIST International School to host the conference on 26th -28th April 2019.

    Kristine says: “These are exciting changes for FIGT. We are taking the conference to Asia and the Southern Hemisphere where it will also be accessible to a whole new group of people who have experienced, or are in the middle of, global transitions. It is also the first time that FIGT has partnered with a well-known international school to host an annual conference.”

    FIGT Board is honored to host the 2019 conference at the NIST International School in Bangkok — a school that recognizes the impact of global transitions and aims to help its students build resilience for these transitions.

    Many of our conference attendees will feel at home in an international school environment having experienced it themselves as children or parents, or having worked in that environment.

    More details will be released soon including the conference theme and a request for proposals. To be sure you stay up-to-date, sign up for our newsletter

    For now, block out the dates, 26-28 April 2019 in your diary and start spreading the word on social media using the hashtag #FIGT2019.

  • 28 Jun 2018 3:18 AM | Anonymous

    FIGT is fortunate to have supportive sponsors. This is the second of a short series of articles highlighting those whose invaluable financial and professional support helps keep FIGT growing.

    Recently Deborah Valentine, Executive Director of ACCESS - the dynamic volunteer, not-for-profit organization serving the needs of the international community in The Netherlands – was asked what ACCESS services she wanted the FIGT community to be most keenly aware of, she shared these insights.

    “(We want people to know) that we offer, for expats/relocations to the Netherlands, the ‘go-to’ place for answers to the questions people have when relocating to the Netherlands, AND that we offer STARS – an acronym for Spouses Trailing and Relocating Successfully - a place to find community, grow and use their time productively as they search for a job, or figure out their next step.”

    As for why ACCESS chose to sponsor the FIGT organization, Deborah drew parallels between the two.

    “FIGT is built on and sustained by the same mission and principles of ACCESS – to contribute to successful transitions,” she said. “In our case, though, we are a local resource at a destination (i.e., The Netherlands), while FIGT is global.”

    “Furthermore, as Director of a non-profit myself,” she continued, “I know and appreciate that support is needed to allow the organisation to thrive. So, when it (FIGT) was on our doorstep in The Netherlands, sponsoring it was a way of ‘putting my money where my mouth was.’

    In terms of being a member and attending the annual FIGT conference, Deborah shared the value she gains.

    “Despite no longer transitioning globally myself, I can be reminded of the challenges involved (long overcome personally), and learn about the ones which persist, or are new. It keeps me ‘fresh’ on the realities, and I learn something, every year. As a sponsor I was also able to invite others – all unfamiliar with FIGT – to the table, and share this great resource and experience with them. That too was very rewarding.”

    Read more about our great sponsors from our 2018 Conference here: Worldwide SpeechExpat Journals, International Family Law Group.

  • 20 Jun 2018 12:15 PM | Anonymous

    We can hardly believe it’s been three months since our successful 2018 conference in the Hague.

    Since then, some talented writers within our community have written blog posts sharing their reflections and takeaways from the conference.  Here are some highlights from FIGT members.

    Jodi Harris from World Tree Coaching - Reflections on the Families in Global Transition Conference 2018 The Hague

    “All over FIGT I was meeting people who were showing up to the conference for the first time! And there were people who were writing for the first time, starting a globally mobile business for the first time, creating a Facebook live video for the first time, and so, so much more. See – this is what community does! It gives you the guts to try new things. “

    Sundae from Expat Happy Hour - Changing the Conversation as Families in Global Transition

    “I flew 13,300 km to be with my tribe. It meant no sleep. Full dehydration. And a huge kink in my neck. And it was totally worth it.”

    Lisa Ferland from KnockedUp Abroad - The 20th Anniversary of FIGT - Perhaps the Best Yet

    “With so much value in the actual presentations, it is easy to forget the gold found in the hallway conversations and at the lunch tables. During lunch times, I tried to find a table where I didn’t know anyone and introduce myself. In doing this, I discovered two women who live in Stockholm (funny how we met in The Hague instead of our own shared city), and US-based educators working on getting kids outdoors (one of my passions). It’s a fantastic feeling when you find so much in common with random strangers at a conference. FIGT is truly an inclusive space.”

    Nicole Blythe from Relocate Guru - Finding Your Purpose

    “One of my favourite things about this particular conference is that you meet people in real life that I had only 'meet' on social media months beforehand. It feels more like catching up with long lost friends instead of the usual business events where it can feel hard to make a real connection with anyone. It felt really special to thank (and hug) people in person who have been supporting me from as far as Tokyo, New York or Dubai.”

    Meg Norton from Adult Third Culture Kid Blog – FIGT2018

    “Attending the conference feels like a family reunion. This year, I felt like I was seeing my older sisters present on their bad-a$$ consultancies and businesses. I felt like I was sharing both my professional and personal news to my inquisitive aunts (they were curious about my love-life even). And, I felt like I was introducing my friends (my first time attendee panelists) to my extended relatives I haven’t seen in a year. It is a cosy and secure feeling at this conference. I felt the support and the space to be vulnerable.”

    Vivian Chiona from Expat Nest - Managing a Health Condition Abroad… 16 Strategies to Support You

    “It can be extremely stressful when we or someone we love becomes ill abroad. As well as the (very normal) physical and mental turmoil of illness, we often find ourselves dealing with additional challenges that are unique to international life.

    At the Families in Global Transition (FIGT) conference in March 2018, I got together with professional healthcare and vitality coach Carolyn Parse Rizzo for a “Kitchen Table Conversation” on exactly this topic.”

    Rita Rosenback and 7 other writers at MultiCultural Kid Blogs - Families in Global Transition Conference: Reflections

    “Once again, the magical FIGT conference atmosphere emerged instantly, from the morning of day one and I would love to be able to share this experience with many more of you at next year’s conference!”

    Thank you to those writers for writing about your experience and bringing the FIGT message out to the wider community.

    Only a small fraction have been highlighted here but to make sure you don’t miss out on great posts from the members of our community, LIKE and FOLLOW our Facebook page, Twitter and LinkedIn

    We hope you will join us too at next year’s conference.  Sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss all our latest news.

  • 14 Jun 2018 11:34 AM | Deborah Valentine

    Introducing a new monthly message from our Membership Chair: for members & non-members alike. An opportunity to remind the community of the treasure of resources, solutions and opportunities this broader community has to offer.

    In this first instalment, a quote from FIGT’s Admin which sparked the idea to share, on a regular basis something about FIGT as well as its members: 

    “I don't know if it's coincidence, but over the last month or so I've received 3 email requests for referrals to members with expertise. I can't think when or even if I've received this type of request over the past 3 years.”

    Such a wonderful message to have received, and of course, in view of the new membership strategy, which is all about widening the reach and impact of FIGT as a whole, a testament to the small steps we have been taking in doing just that.

    The FIGT Public Directory is growing, and becoming increasingly referred to by people in search of connection, knowledge, services and support for their process of global transition. And, this #FIGTmember moment includes a few related points:

    a) Are YOU looking for a resource, contact perhaps at your point of destination, want to know what specialisations exist within FIGT? VISIT our Public Directory.

    b) Are YOU listed in the Public Directory? DO ensure your profile is updated to reflect your own ‘focus & expertise’ – which are searchable terms. Login in to your profile, and complete the blanks.

    c) Want to be listed in our Public Directory? BECOME a member.

  • 07 Jun 2018 11:02 AM | Anonymous

    FIGT is fortunate to have supportive sponsors. This is the first of a short series of articles highlighting those whose invaluable financial and professional support helps keep FIGT growing.

    Longtime senior-level sponsor IFLG’s aim is to inform, educate, distil and advise families about complex international family law matters so that they can better prepare and be aware of the potential legal implications of a move abroad with their family in the event their relationship runs into difficulties. Recently, IFLG Partners David Hodson and Lucy Greenwood shared insights about their firm’s interaction with FIGT.

     “Our work covers all legal aspects of personal relationships and family breakdown from marital agreements,” David said, “including choice of jurisdiction, divorce, finances, applications for financial claims after a divorce abroad, recognition of marriages and divorces granted in different countries, enforcement of orders abroad, child arrangements, relocation (seeking an order of the court to move abroad with children where the other parent does not provide consent), paternity declarations, child abduction, adoption, surrogacy, and more.”

    “It remains common for us to hear of many sad stories arising from a lack of knowledge about such issues. Of course, we seek to unravel and rectify many often preventable tragedies for families, parents and children, but as with all things, prevention, planning and preparation is better than cure.”

    “Our specialism in international family work enables us not only to provide knowledge and advice about our area of law − an amount unrivaled, we would say! − but also means we are not 'tied' to any other third party experts, meaning that we can also build a tailored package of professional advisers for our clients as and when needed. We have a considerable international contact base in this regard. We travel to conferences abroad and are frequently invited to lecture on international family law topics. This also enables us to keep abreast of family law developments and trends around the world.”

    As for why IFLG chooses to sponsor the FIGT organization, David offered two reasons.

    “This is our target audience. These families and those whom they know in the international community are our primary client… But the second must also be mentioned. It comes back to the vision and the belief which caused us to set up the practice, and which remains very important. We are working with the international family community and this carries responsibilities… I think that responsibility extends to giving and giving back… There is inevitably an element to which we say we are a major player in the international family community, and being such a major player carries responsibilities which means encouraging those working and supporting that community.”

    In addition, Lucy offered a third reason.

    “I think it also shows our client base and beyond that we are mindful of tailoring our work to international families' needs. The number of clients and other professionals with international lifestyles, whom I mention FIGT to, is growing and they are all receptive and thankful to hearing about the organisation and to know that there is a resource where they can learn about the experiences of others who have lived through similar scenarios.”

    When asked why they attend the annual FIGT conference, both responded readily.

    “The conference is a chance to see and hear the far bigger picture,” David said. “I understand the situation of my clients far better as a consequence of attending, and therefore I'm able to do a far better job for them. In understanding comes better service… In hearing the stories and sharing the experiences, I can have a better understanding of ways to resolve matters… This creativity comes from understanding, which comes from listening. I don't have that listening experience in any other conference which I attend, to this extent. Other law conferences talk about legal solutions. This conference talks about life experiences. The latter has to come first.”

    “Listening is tremendously important in our work as through that we far better understand the needs of our individual clients,” Lucy added. “FIGT presents us with a unique opportunity to understand the broad and varied sorts of issues our clients with international lifestyles might face and why, for example, some client's might react differently to certain aspects of their cases than clients who have always had a stable setting for their relationship.”

    Read more about our great sponsors from our 2018 Conference here: Worldwide SpeechExpat Journals, Access.

  • 30 May 2018 1:11 PM | Anonymous

    Written By Nikki Cornfield

    In March, I attended The Families in Global Transition Conference in The Hague as a Parfitt-Pascoe Writing Resident. I felt like I had stepped into a garden of my favorite flowers. Here were people like me from all over the world and we connected like a global family. Everyone had their own story to tell about their ride on the rollercoaster without seatbelts, and this had been the place to share them. The experience was to change the lens through which I viewed the past, the present and the future and gave another dimension to my vision of the world.

    Where it all began

    The Netherlands had always been one of my ‘homes’ and it held a special spot in my heart. This was my first overseas move and the birthplace of two of my children. Settling into my seat on the flight back to Adelaide I reflected on the previous struggles I had felt going backwards and forwards to one home or another and the pull of my heart to the places I was leaving behind. As the plane climbed steeply into the murky sky I felt the elastic that had been holding me here snap and release me. I was finally able to do this recently on leaving the UK and I realized how important it was to say goodbye and step confidently into the next chapter. To an expat home can mean many places but quite often we leave the door swinging on its hinges and us still hanging onto the door handle. I love the fact that I have found another sense of home in the community of FIGT and I will be back.

    Moving back to Australia

    Three years ago while we were living in Malaysia Andy was approached to fill a new role in South Australia. My gut instincts told me no and the first words out of my mouth were, “ I am not moving to Adelaide!” Renowned for its parochial attitudes and being ‘clicky’ I was warned it would be a difficult place to break into. But I was confident that if I tossed the same ingredients into the bowl, set the temperature I would get a cake I liked eventually, so we packed up the family and moved in search of a new adventure.

    We landed on a dark windy night into a deathly quite airport. Pushing our trolleys through the terminal I felt like a goldfish knocked out of its warm, safe bowl. I felt a rising panic at the shock of what I had done and for once I was lost for words. The terminal doors slid open and we were blasted by freezing cold air. Moving here had meant yanking up all my anchors and losing the support system that had rooted me there. Our children had left Marlborough College Malaysia and their expat friends and and we had said goodbye to a full and varied social life, ‘Best of British’ at The British Club and twice yearly trips back ‘home’ to the UK. All had been severed in one big blow and the loss of so much life giving blood drained me and reduced me to a blubbering wreck.

    As winter took a hold I became withdrawn and depressed, I was acutely homesick for my old life and an angry, tearful and resentful wife. Lonely and isolated I became crippled by panic attacks and struggled to sleep. I was ready to pack my bags and begged Andy to leave and go back. But as we all know going backwards is like paddling a boat against a current. I knew I was caught in a rip tide and that meant to survive there was only one direction to swim.

    My Front Door

    As I stood at the front door of our new home I could feel the air in my throat constricted. I felt trapped, like Rapunzel in the tower. I didn’t know a single person, and I felt invisible. I had arrived in new places before but this time the shock and contrast was debilitating. I had left behind a feeling of belonging, a life of friends and kids and dogs dropping in for a swim and had it replaced by a void of empty days that I didn’t know how to fill. It got harder to get my head off the pillow and I cried with sheer frustration and grief. I longed to be able to drive to see someone or just pop around the corner to a friends for coffee and Mum and Dad were sadly so far away. The kids were feeling the same loss and I felt so guilty to have uprooted them once more. They too had lost their sense of belonging, their links with the UK severed. They became these ‘different’ children from somewhere else. We had turned our world upside down and inside out and it felt like a wrong turn.

    The warmth inside

    Inside our new home we clung to each other. Our warmth and closeness being the only thing we had. We spent the long dark nights just talking. Inside represented my family, my security and the nest for us all; we talked endlessly about everything we had done before, what we missed and what we felt. It was like pulling the meat from the carcass to get to the bare bones, nothing was left unsaid. I questioned my decision over and over to come to this place so far from where we wanted to be, so removed from friends, from the people we loved and who loved us.

    My Global Backyard

    In my backyard, this became my private space where I could be myself and keep my links to the big wide world. Sitting on the balcony with the spectacular views of the stepped English gardens opposite and the graceful alpacas roaming in the paddock next door, I reached out to my anchors, my support system of friends and family around the world. At the front door I was this new comer with three heads, someone from somewhere else who had stories that no-one wanted to hear. Here I could keep connected to my tribe scattered near and far around the world. My phone was set with all the time zones and having regular conversations made me feel energized and alive. My Global Backyard flourished and grew as I watered it regularly and travelling to attend FIGT introduced me to new individuals around the world, another tree to watch flourish and grow.

    My Global Backyard is where I can just be me, included in the wonderful world I have come to love. Being here has taught me many lessons; to listen to my intuition and be true to myself and to recognize my love of travel is like a light that cannot be extinguished. I cannot share this narrow view of the world nor live in this confined space that has constricted me anymore. It’s time to go, I have given it my best shot, and I will remember the good times and not the bad. But I will be running to the plane…

    Nikki Cornfield is a British expat who grew up in the UK. She currently lives in The Adelaide Hills, a beautiful wine growing area of South Australia with her husband and three children. She started a career with British Airways, indulging her passion for travel but hung up her wings  in 2002 to make her first move overseas with her new born baby.

    She has been an expat for over 15 years, and has lived in The Netherlands, Perth, Singapore and Malaysia. A trained reflexologist and yoga/meditation teacher she is now focusing on her passion for writing and blogs at 'UP In The Air' where she explores expat life and world travel. You can connect with Nikki here: Website:; Twitter @NicolaCornfield1; Facebook: @nikki_cornfield