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Families in Global Transition 2017 Conference

Building on the Basics: Creating Your Tribe on the Move

Submission Deadline September 7, 2016

FIGT is pleased to announce our 2017 Annual Conference #FIGT17NL will be held in The Netherlands, March 23-25, 2017 at the World Trade Center, The Hague.

Conference Theme

The ideal 2017 session topic is directly related to the conference theme, Building on the Basics: Creating Your Tribe on the Move.

The 2017 Families in Global Transition Conference will revisit the basics: What is the definition of an expat? A Third Culture Kid? A foreign assignment? High mobility? A global family? The FIGT network of researchers, educators, counselors, relocation specialists, artists, humanitarians, entrepreneurs, students and parents will unpack the terms and frameworks that help make sense of global mobility’s impact on identity, career and community development. Through discussion about updating definitions, we will advance our understanding of cross-cultural and globally mobile communities in an age of profound cultural, economic and political complexity. If a common basic need for our diverse communities is a sense of belonging, what are the practical steps to finding your “tribe” and helping others do the same?

Request for Proposals (RFP) 

#FIGT17NL requests proposals for conference sessions that address
  • Rigorous (re)examinations of basic terms (e.g. expat, immigrant, migrant, global nomad, TCK, CCK, family, foreign assignment, high mobility, etc.)
  • Privilege and hierarchies within Western/Anglo definitions of “global families”
  • Advancing our understanding of the needs and responsibilities of mobile communities
  • Practical resources for individuals, families and organizations to find their cross-cultural/globally mobile “tribe”
  • Teaching, modeling and encouraging empathy, resilience and collaboration between “tribes” with differing needs/outlooks/approaches
  • Consolidating research and support structures within the global mobility field
  • Who is not “at the table” of our conversation at FIGT


PLEASE READ the RFP Guidelines document for all relevant information.


STEP 1 - Session title

STEP 2 - Your contact details and biography

STEP 3 - Past involvement in FIGT (if applicable)

STEP 4 - Academic research (if applicable)

STEP 5 - Session synopsis and direct relevance to our theme this year

STEP 6 - Submit proposal

Submission Deadline September 7, 2016

PLEASE NOTE: The online form (below) must be filled out in one “sitting.” It does not allow you to save your submission part way through and complete it later, although you can move back and forth between questions as you work. We strongly recommend you type out and save your more detailed responses in a separate document before you begin. When you hit “submit” at the end of your application, you are finished. You can expect to receive a response from our Program Committee in early October 2016.

The 2017 RFP is now closed. 
A big thank you everyone who submitted a proposal. You'll be hearing from our Program Committee soon!

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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