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This page contains articles and information related to global transition. Click on the resource to read the complete work. Email admin@figt.org if you would like to submit a an article or paper.

The information within the articles below is not a substitute for legal or other professional advice. Any opinions contained in the articles are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or endorsement of FIGT. 


Resiliency-building Practices To Strengthen Culturall Diverse Families In School Settings
Candice Hughes, Ph.D. - This abstract of Hughes' 2007 FIGT Conference presentation discusses the role schools can play in helping families in transition and introduces the Family Cultural Transition Resiliency Model. Full presentation is available in the associates center articles.

Expatriate Assignments: Challenges, Benefits, Strategies

International Relocation Trends In The 21st Century
Michael Cadden and Andrew Kittell - The nature of international relocation itself is changing faster than ever before and new research into shifting industry trends shows families are having to adjust to significantly shorter and more frequent international assignments than just a decade ago.

Managing Short-term International Assignments
Beverly D. Roman - Short-term assignments are compared to the expense of a permanent move. This article details the challenges and personal considerations of short term assignments.

Women Expatriates: A View Of Their Own
Anne P. Copeland, Ph. D. and Saskia Meckman, Expatriate Advisor, Summer 2002 - The authors examine the benefits and challenges posed by female expatriate employees.

Intercultural Issues

Becoming An Interculturalist: Why Would An Expatriate Bother?
Barbara Schaetti, Ph.D. and Valerie Scane - Presentation to 2004 FIGT Conference outlines the benefits that accrue to the expatriae, the family and the sponsoring organization when expatriates develop strong intercultural skills. Associates may view the full powerpoint presentation in the associate center articles.

Friendship In The Us: Too Much Too Soon, Then Not Enough
Anne P. Copeland, Ph.D. - Different cultures have different understandings of friendship. Copeland explains the American understanding of friendship.

Mobile Family Issues

Elder Care
A Growing Concern - Beverly D. Roman - In this article Beverly Roman discusses the issues facing mobile families who are responsible for elder care. She offers some strategies and resources for managing the issue.

F A W C O Alumnae U S A - FAUSA will give you the opportunity to network with Americans who have lived all over the world. There are active social groups in many metropolitan areas, so you may contact us to see what is going in your new home.

Overseas Medical And Safety Primer
Beverly D. Roman - Medical and safety issues are a major concern for people moving to countries, especially those where the language and customs are consideralby different. This article will provide medical considerations as well as basic safety concerns for relocatees and travelers.

Pets Are People Too...especially When You Are Moving
Beverly D. Roman - Health and travel concerns for pets. Practical advice to safely transition pets across the country or around the world.

Proactive Steps For The Holiday Blues
Barbara Berthiaume, MSW - It is easy to develop an acute case of homesickness for things that we have left behind. Many of us tend to be more susceptible to this malady during the holidays.

Supporting Moves
Fiona Cameron - This article looks at the importance of supporting the family during an international move, quoting recent surveys.

Your Return From Oz: Magical Or Unmanageable?
Mary Beauregard, Global LT Intercultural Consultant - What is the protocol upon repatriation? Are expats prepared to experience an adjustment which sometimes lasts twice as long as their adjustment to the new culture?

TCKs & Global Nomads

T C Kid
Army Brats, Missionary Kids, International School Kids, Global Nomads, Cross Cultural Kids, Adult Third Culture Kids... "A Home for Third Culture Kids - TCKID is the most active forum and blog community for Third Culture Kids and Cross Cultural Kids/Adults. Anyone can join and start a new topic.

Emplacing Our Lives: The Role Of Place In The Lives Of Third Culture Kids
John Benson, Ph.D. - This executive summary of his presentation at the 2004 FIGT conference outlines six models of place and home for TCKs and compares them to the experience of missionary children and their parents. Based on the author's original research. Associates may view the full paper in the associates center. 

From Credit Hours To Marching Bands; Explaining The American Education System To Foreign Nationals
Christine Dowdeswell and Anne Copeland, Ph.D. - Summary report aimed at expatriates based in the United States on unique aspects of the American education system. Directions for obtaining the full report can be found at the end of the summary.

Global Nomads, Third Culture Kids, Adult Third Culture Kids, Third Culture Adults: What Do They All Mean?
Barbara Schaetti, Ph.D. - Schaetti explores commonalities and differences between several terms used to describe expatriates.

Global Nomads: Cultural Bridges For The New Millennium
Alice Wu - Poignant excerpts from Wu's video on American and international third culture kids who have come to the US to attend university.

International School Transition Resource Teams
Barbara Schaetti, Ph.D. - A summary of Schaetti's presentation at FIGT 2004 conference on creating successful transition teams in international schools. For full presentation slides, join the associates center, and go to "Transition Programs Serving Expatriate/Repatriate Communities."

Interview With Dr. David Pollock
Beverly D. Roman - A personal inteview with the late Dr. David C. Pollock about his vision of TCKs.

Mining The Treasure Of The Global Nomad Experience: Global Nomads As Global Leaders
Kathleen Daniel - Summary of presentation at FIGT 2004 Conference examining the benefits a global nomad childhood brings and how it could shape their future. For complete slides of presentation join the Associates Center.

Mobile Students, Stable Schooling
Anne P. Copeland, Ph.D. - The author explains the different school systems and diplomas, examining how easily they are accepted by universities around the world.

Moving Abroad with University Bound Teenagers?  It Can Be Done
Georgia Bennett - In this article, Georgia Bennett explores the myth that university-bound teenagers should not be moved internationally, and offers some strategies for ensuring their success while abroad.

Relocating Our Smallest Movers
Beverly Roman - Beverly Roman discusses the challenges children face when their parents move and offers some suggestions for parents to make the transition easier.

Repatriating Children
Valerie Scane - In this article, Scane examines strategies to help build children's intercultural skills so that they can use them to make the transition to the sometimes unfamiliar culture of home.

Sizing Up American Schools
Anne P. Copeland, Ph.D. and Georgia Bennett, Mobility - The authors explore the underlying values that influence the style of American education and that may set it apart from educational systems in other countries.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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