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Research Network

Research has always been an essential component of the FIGT mission. The organization was founded by Ruth E. Van Reken and David C. Pollock following the publication of their book, Third Culture Kids : The Experience of Growing Up Among Worlds (now on its third edition) and has evolved to include a dedicated group of experts known as the FIGT Research Network (FRN). Through the work of the FRN, FIGT seeks to further the study of key socio-psychological issues related to global mobility and crossing cultures and share these findings with both our members and the broader international community. Among the topics we examine are patterns of mobility, socio-psychological impact and implication of relocation, repatriation, and the Third Culture Kids (TCKs) phenomenon.

By delving deeper into the scientific evidence behind the issues many globally mobile report, we are able to share their short and long-term success. We are also better able to advocate on their behalf. The FRN shares its information with the FIGT community throughout the year through webinars and our social media platforms and encourages members to join group writing sessions and submit their work for presentation at our annual events. The FIGT Annual Forum is an opportunity to not only share recent findings as they relate to the globally mobile but also for experts and practitioners to connect and discuss their work as a means to continue these important conversations.

The FIGT Research Network (FRN)’s goal is to bring together producers and consumers of research promoting FIGT's mission. FRN first met in 2007 as the TCK Research Network during the annual FIGT conference and was renamed in 2009.

Through FRN, members can share ideas, methods, and findings with others who understand and value research in the field. The network works to encourage, support, and share both formal academic and need-based research produced by the globally mobile and/or those that work with them in answer to questions arising from their experiences and work. To get in touch with FRN, email research@figt.org.

FRN Membership

To be part of FRN and contribute your research work to FIGT, join FIGT membership. To receive information about FRN activities, complete the application form, and youwill be automatically added to the FRN mailing list.

FRN members have the opportunity to connect through the following efforts:

  • Virtual Events (held in English)
  • Annual Meeting at the FIGT Conference
  • Official Facebook Page (for FRN news)
  • Facebook Group (for networking, information sharing, and discussions)
  • Email Communications
  • Newsletters
  • Journal for Cross-Cultural Family Studies

For more information please contact research@figt.org

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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