Anne Copeland, PhD, the founder and director of The Interchange Institute is announcing two opportunities for emerging and experienced interculturalists:
(1) A new online survey, Building and Nurturing Your Intercultural Career, focuses on how you got started doing intercultural work, what you’ve tried to do to promote our work and/or small business, and what worked and what didn’t. Please be part of this global survey by completing it and sharing the link with your community – the more respondents, the more helpful for all.

(2) We’ve announced our upcoming schedule for our training of trainers course, Crossing Cultures with Competence, both on line and (in the fall, in compliance with health advisories) in person. Many in the FIGT community have found this course an important stepping stone for launching their careers.
Next up: May 21 and 24-27, 2021.
See for details.
Anne Copeland, PhD, is founder and director of The Interchange Institute. She is a researcher and an intercultural psychologist, and former FIGT Program Chair and board member.