Tandem Nomads, the podcast show and platform designed to empower and help expat spouses build a portable business, is organizing a conference in Seoul on April 28th.
Click below to register for FREE:

If you live in South Korea and gave up your career to move from a country to another, come join us for an interactive presentation on the challenges for expat spouses to build a portable career and the solutions to turn these challenges into great opportunities!
Amel Derragui, the founder of the podcast show Tandem Nomads, will share with you some great tips to build your portable business and inspiring examples of expat spouses from around the world .
She has indeed interviewed over 70 expat spouses, analysed their sources of frustrations and challenges and the actions they implemented to make the best of their experience abroad while building their own source of success and financial independence.
Amel Derragui is a business and marketing coach, she helps expat spouses turn their talents into successful businesses and global entrepreneurs take their business to the next level.
Click here fore more info on this event and to register to this conference for FREE: www.tandemnomads.com/events