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Third Culture Kids, 3rd Edition - Growing Up Among Worlds

14 Sep 2017 4:39 PM | Anonymous

In this 3rd edition of the ground-breaking, global classic, Ruth E. Van Reken and Michael V. Pollock, son of the late original coauthor, David C. Pollock, have significantly updated what is widely recognized as “The TCK bible.” Emphasis is placed on the modern TCK and addressing the impact of technology, cultural complexity, diversity, inclusion, and transitions. 

Third Culture Kids, 3e, includes new advice for parents and others for how to support TCKs as they navigate work, relationships, social settings, and their own personal development. 

Specific updates include: 

  • A second PolVan Cultural Identity diagram to support understanding of cultural identity
  • New models for identity formation
  • Updated explanation of unresolved grief
  • New material on 'highly mobile communities' addressing the needs of people who stay put while a community around them moves rapidly
  • Revamped Section III so readers can more easily find what is relevant to them as Adult TCKs, parents, counselors, employers, spouses, administrators, etc.
  • New "stages and needs" tool that will help families and organizations identify and meet needs
  • Greater emphasis on tools for educators as they grapple with demographic shifts in the classroom 

About the Authors:

Ruth E. Van Reken, herself an adult TCK and a parent and grandparent of TCKs, is co-founder of Families in Global Transition, a forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them, and the author of one of the first books written about the TCK experience, Letters Never Sent.

Michael V. Pollock is an adult TCK, parent of TCKs, and international school educator. He is also the founder of Daraja, an organization which helps TCKs/CCKs make successful reentries to passport countries and a past Board Member of FIGT.

David C. Pollock worked with TCKs and adult TCKs for more than twenty years and logged thousands of miles conducting seminars and conferences (including FIGT) for TCKs, their parents, and sponsoring organizations. 

Buy this book through the FIGT Online Bookstore to support our David C Pollock Scholarship program, at no cost to you!

Families in Global Transition
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1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

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