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Families in Global Transition 2017 Conference

Building on the Basics: Creating Your Tribe on the Move

Scholarship Submission Deadline September 15, 2016

Date and Location

FIGT is pleased to announce our 2017 Annual Conference #FIGT17NL will be held in The Netherlands, March 23-25, 2017 at the World Trade Center, The Hague.

Families in Global Transition is a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them. We promote cross-sector connections for sharing research and developing best practices that support the growth, success and well-being of people crossing cultures around the world.

David C PollockThe David C. Pollock Scholarship Fund pays tribute to international educator, minister, sociologist, and co-author of Third Culture Kids: Growing up Among Worlds, David C. Pollock, whose tireless support, vision and dedication to families in global transition impacted countless people in every corner of the globe. Building on Pollock’s legacy, FIGT aims to attract, involve and educate emerging, global-minded, intercultural leaders.

The David C. Pollock Scholarship provides highly motivated individuals working or studying in the intercultural and transnational mobility field the opportunity to attend the FIGT conference.

Our guiding question is, "Who is missing at the FIGT table?"  We are looking for a diverse field of applicants from each of our traditional sectors, (corporate, diplomatic, academic, military, mission, arts and entrepreneurial) plus voices not well represented, such as those involved in immigration and refugee work, an increase in male voices, and participants from all parts of the globe.

Excellent Scholarship applicant profiles include:

  • researchers in the field of global mobility
  • entrepreneurs in fields contributing towards the needs of globally mobile families and individuals
  • service providers/practitioners to global nomads
  • writers and thinkers with cross-cultural perspectives contributing to the expat community understanding and practice
  • artists and creatives who speak from and to a cross-cultural and mobile mindset

Pollock Scholarship applicants:

  • must be first time conference attendees
  • must commit to the full conference
  • must apply before midnight on September 15, 2016
  • will hear back in late October 2016

Pollock Scholarship recipients benefit through:

  • free conference registration ---will attend the conference for free
  • a partial stipend to defray travel costs ----will receive a small stipend for travel expenses
  • opportunity to contribute to families in transition and those who serve them
  • contacts, networks, ideas, resources, and friendships garnered at FIGT Conference

Submission Deadline September 15, 2016

PLEASE NOTE: The online application form (below) must be filled out in one “sitting.” It does not allow you to save your submission part way through and complete it later, although you can move back and forth between questions as you work. We strongly recommend you type out and save your more detailed responses in a separate document before you begin. When you hit “submit” at the end of your application, you are finished. You can expect to receive a response from our Scholarship Committee in late October 2016.

Questions? Contact Judy Rickatson  admin@figt.org

Interested in speaking at the conference? Find out more.

Applications for the 2017 David C Pollock Scholarship are now closed.
A big thank you to everyone who applied. You'll be hearing from the Scholarship Committee soon!

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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