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We are delighted you are interested in submitting a proposal to speak at FIGT2022 - Where do we go from here?

The conference will be held virtually on March 21 - 27, 2022 across multiple time zones.

To help you submit your proposal, please take a moment to read through all the information here. If you have attended or spoken at our conferences in the past, you will notice that we have made some changes this year to reflect our move to virtual and our theme.

Closing date for applications is October 11, 2021. Only online applications will be accepted. At this time we only have the capacity to review applications in English. We hope to create a multilingual application process in the future.

Conference Theme
The conference will focus on the question: Where Do We Go From Here?

Over the last two years, the world has changed in ways that most of us could never have imagined. We are still living with the pandemic, but we are also experiencing a period of social, racial, economic and environmental reckoning that spans the world. Even if by some miracle, we were to all begin to return to a life without lockdown tomorrow, the aftershocks of all these realities combined will be felt for a long time to come.

Whatever your personal situation or experience, this has had an impact on all of us. The world has changed. FIGT2022 is dedicated to reflecting on these changes and asking the big question: ‘Where do we go from here?’


We are asking presenters to address one of three strands to help us begin to answer our theme question.

Connecting: how can our individual, unique challenges and experiences bring us together as individuals and a community across cultures, borders and generations? How can we better hold space for each other’s unique experiences? This strand will look at how we can come together in ways that encourage mutual understanding, sharing and growth.

Innovating: can the challenges we face lead us to new research and/or new practices personally or professionally? This strand will look at whether our experiences can lead to growth, reconstruction and reimagining across all aspects of our globally mobile world.

Thriving: how can we develop skills to help us cope with the pain and discomfort that a globally mobile, cross-cultural life might bring in 2022? This strand is an opportunity to explore our own reflections as well as providing insights into best practices for support so that we can find ways to thrive, despite our challenges.

Selection Process

We would like to receive proposals that represent as many different perspectives and experiences of global mobility as possible. We also welcome proposals from individuals and organizations who work to support the globally mobile.

These may include but are not limited to: corporate, mission, diplomat, military, international governmental and international non-governmental organizations, sponsored and self-initiated expats, refugees, immigrants, expat partners, Adult Cross Culture Kids and Cross Culture Kids including Third Culture Kids, third culture adults, counseling and coaching services, educational services, relocation specialists, researchers, entrepreneurs, artists and media.

All proposals will be read by a volunteer Committee, a dedicated group of readers representing different perspectives and backgrounds. The readers conduct a review of all submissions and rank them on a numerical scale.

The Committee reviewers use the following criteria:

  • How well the proposal relates to the overall conference theme and one of our three strands.
  • How well the proposal offers a unique perspective or application.
  • The proposal’s ability to attract and engage a diverse and global audience.
  • The content should be original material, timely, and up-to-date.
  • Preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate creativity or innovation in their approach or application.
  • The committee will also review session balance with the overall conference, inviting both new voices and returning speakers bringing new content.

The Program Committee will make the final decision.

Fees and Expectations

FIGT runs on the dedicated work of our members who volunteer hundreds of hours of their time and talents. It is a nonprofit organization recognized under US law and operates with a limited budget that does not permit compensation for presenters. If your proposal is accepted, you will receive a contract. All conference presenters must sign their contracts within 7 days of receipt and register for the conference and pay the full registration fee.

Session Formats

Deep Dive
These sessions are intended to provide an opportunity to explore, discuss and reflect on a topic or question in depth. Each session will include a 15-20 video followed by a 30  minute live Q&A discussion, moderated by a FIGT Board Member.

Kitchen Table Conversations
FIGT started at a kitchen table and we are bringing our tradition of gathering to talk and share to the virtual world. These conversations will be live. Hosts will start the conversation with a short presentation (no powerpoint slides allowed!) and then facilitate a conversation on their topic. Attendance at each Conversation will be limited to enable discussion and each Conversation will last for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Say it in 5

Can you share your response to our theme for 2022 and specifically on one of our three strands in 5 minutes or less? These sessions will be video only, strictly no slides. They are a chance to share your story, your research findings or to invite us to join a conversation.  Responses will be accepted from individuals and groups of 2+, providing the total time is no more than 5 minutes. We would particularly welcome responses that share research findings with our community.

Say it in 5 presenters will be allowed to submit one high quality infographic to share on our conference platform.

Your commitment as a presenter

If you are selected to present at FIGT2022, you will need to:

  • Be able to provide a high quality video by early February 2022 (technical specifications and training will be provided)
  • Be available at various times during 21-27 March 2022 for live sessions, Q&A sessions and to respond to comments on our virtual conference platform
  • Attend training and information sessions provided by FIGT in preparation for FIGT2022
  • Be available across various time zones during weekend of 25-27 March for live events
  • Be willing to repeat host live sessions more than once during the weekend

Application Form

The application must be submitted using an online form. This form must be completed in one sitting. It does not allow you to save your submission part way through and complete it later, although you can move back and forth between questions as you work. We strongly recommend you type out and save your more detailed responses in a separate document before you begin. When you hit “submit” at the end of your application, you are finished and will receive a confirmation email. You can expect to receive a response from our Program Committee in November.

If you want to review the application form before submitting your proposal online, please click here to download a PDF version.

Please remember that we will only accept online applications. This PDF is only provided to help you prepare.

FIGT2022: Where do we go from here? 

Call for presenters

Mailing address:
Families in Global Transition

C/o Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103


+1 (703) 634-7400
Skype: figt.administrator

© Families in Global Transition, Inc.

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