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Silver Sponsor Spotlight: Special Education Network & Inclusion Association

12 Feb 2021 3:45 PM | Anonymous

Families in Global Transition is thrilled to shine the Sponsor Spotlight on Silver Sponsor Special Education Network & Inclusion Association (SENIA).

SENIA International ‒ the Special Education Network & Inclusion Association ‒ is a global organization of educators, professionals, and parents. Their mission? To advocate for and provide resources and support for differently abled individuals. 

“We bridge together families who are moving overseas to inclusive schools in their countries,” said Lori Boll, SENIA’s Executive Director. “Moving countries is difficult, and moving countries with a child with special learning needs is incredibly hard. SENIA can help support these families.”

“Our vision is to live in an inclusive world where every individual is supported, resources are accessible, potential is maximized, and action is inspired.”

Check out the SENIA International Sponsor Spotlight video!

FIGT is honored to welcome back Lori and SENIA International as a returning Silver sponsor, and look forward to seeing them in March at #FIGT2021.

FIGT is grateful to have incredible sponsors who understand the experiences and needs of the globally mobile community. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please visit our sponsorship page.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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