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#FIGT2024 — The Art of Simplicity

19 Jan 2024 6:55 AM | Anonymous

banner advertising FIGT Virtual Form with graphic of globe and arrow indicating Moving Forward Together.

The KISS principle - Keep It Simple - may sound straightforward, but as many of us know, keeping things simple often involves several steps, some quite complex. Our current 2024-2026 Board is continuing to work on the strategy set by the 2022-2024 Board — to simplify things at FIGT. We’ve reflected on what we do, how we do it, and for whom. And, just as importantly, we have considered the time we ask of our volunteers, many of whom make our very presence possible. This group of volunteers dedicate their time to the management and direction of FIGT, and their time should be respected.

New Times

After reviewing how we got “here” in our last blog post, this is an update on where we are now and how we plan to move forward. 

Although we received fewer RFP (Request for Proposal) submissions for our simplified virtual forum, the proposals were certainly not limited in terms of topics or approaches. At first glance, fewer entries automatically made the simplification process easier, but we still needed to discuss and review each proposal critically, which we did en comité

Having received confirmation from the approved speakers, we are now finalizing the program of events. Given the many time zones in our community, finding the ideal “times” for our forum for everyone is difficult, but we hope to come up with a solution.

While details are still to be confirmed, a draft of the program can be seen here. We will update the website with our speakers and panelists in the coming weeks, as well as open the registration process. To stay informed, be sure to look for updates in our FIGT Newsletters. You can sign up here to receive them directly to your inbox.

More to Come!

While #FIGT2024 will be online, it will be a live event, one that we encourage people to attend so they can share their questions with the speakers and connect with one another. In an effort to keep things simple — for ourselves as well as for those attending our events — speakers and panelists will record their sessions ahead of time, BUT they will be present and live for the Q&A sessions and discussions. The recorded sessions help guard against potential technical issues, such as poor connections.

Another new suggestion was for different ways attendees can enjoy the experience of #FIGT2024, through WatchParties, for instance. Details will be shared in the upcoming months.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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