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Member blogs: Drie Culturen by Janneke Muyselaar-Jellema

22 Jun 2016 8:57 AM | Anonymous

FIGT member Janneke Muyselaar-Jellema is a medical doctor specialized in the normal development of children and adolescents.  Born and bred in Africa, Janneke is a TCK who transitioned at at the age of 19 from Zimbabwe to the Netherlands for her medical training. Married to a CCK, together they raise their kids in the Netherlands. Janneke has worked in child and adolescent mental health, and in an asylum seekers centre. Currently she works in medical education and in a child rehabilitation centre.

Janneke blogs on her site, DrieCulturen. She explains that the name of the blog is Dutch for ‘three cultures’. She chose this name because her blog is about third culture kids (TCKs) who grow up in other cultures. She says:

  •     The first culture is about citizenship;
  •     The second is about the countries an individual lived in;
  •     The third is about the community of individuals that share the experience of growing up internationally.

You can read an example of Janneke’s posts at http://drieculturen.blogspot.fr/2015/08/interesting-interview-with-rachel-cason.html. In this blog post she interviews Rachel Cason who spoke about her thought-provoking PhD research at the 2016 FIGT conference. Rachel’s thesis examined the notions of belonging, identity, and relationship to place of Adult Third Culture Kids.

For more from DrieCulturen see https://drieculturen.blogspot.com/ Or go to twitter: @DrieCulturen and @JMuyselaar

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