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Five benefits of the FIGT network: #4 Opportunities to contribute to the blog

28 Oct 2016 4:46 AM | Anonymous

The FIGT blog is a source of information, ideas and support for its members and the wider globally mobile community. It also provides an opportunity for members to showcase their work and communicate to a wider international audience. As such, we publish:

·      Original content written by members;

·      Interviews;

·      Descriptions of member blogs or highlights of specific posts by members (we do not re-publish entire posts);

·      Guest blogs by our sponsors

·      Guest blogs by others with experience or knowledge that can benefit members

Members are encouraged to use the blog to reach a wide, international audience. Posts should not be promotional, but rather contribute original material to the wider debate on issues relevant to the FIGT community. (Promotional blogs are to be submitted to the ‘news’ section of the website for consideration.)

Once published, blog posts are promoted on the website, the newsletter, the Facebook Page, the LinkedIn group and on Twitter. Contributors are encouraged to link to their post on their own social media outlets.

To submit a proposal, please email the blog editor at blogeditor@figt.com

Post should be between 500 to 700 words, include a bio of the author (100 words max) and be accompanied by a photograph or image (of yourself or something relevant to your post).

Photographers (professional or hobby) are encouraged to provide photographs to the blog. Your contributions will be attributed to you and you can add publication on our blog to your portfolio. Images speak louder than words and we would love to share your vision of the globally mobile world.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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