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Initial reflections on FIGT 2017 - Tanya Crossman

23 Jun 2017 1:07 PM | Anonymous

Tanya Crossman in her blog post "Initial reflections on FIGT 2017," shares insights about her first time experience at the FIGT Annual Conference in 2017. 

It is neat to see in Tanya's post that even though members are excited to meet their online connections and "big names," that through our own journey of discovery on this TCK path, that others are excited to meet us as well! Tanya experienced this first hand at the conference. 

"I was stunned to discover that some of the very authors I consider giants in my field (such as Ruth van Reken and Linda Janssen) were actively looking to meet me! One of several surreal moments was being asked to sign a copy of Misunderstood for Valerie Besanceney – an author I greatly respect and whose books I regularly recommend. There were also people at the conference I met for the first time and who turned out to have already bought and read my book, or had been hearing about it and bought a copy while at the conference. It was quite astonishing to me!"

Read Tanya's post.

About the Author

 Tanya Crossman grew up in Sydney and Canberra, Australia, and lived in Greenwich, Connecticut, USA for two years of high school. She had TCK friends as a child, before her own experience of life overseas, and long before hearing the phrase ‘Third Culture Kid’.

She received a degree in Asian Studies from the Australian National University, and a diploma in Mandarin from Beijing Language and Culture University. She worked several bilingual jobs in China, including interning at a publishing company and Office/HR Manager for a small textile trading company.

After years of volunteering her time to mentor TCKs, Tanya left her job to work with TCKs full time. She coordinated over 35 camps and conferences for teenage TCKs in China and Cambodia, and was invited to speak to groups in China, Thailand, Cambodia, and Singapore.

After 11 years in Asia, Tanya is currently studying in Sydney. She is still passionate about advocating for TCKs, even in her passport country. She plans to return overseas in time to continue working with, and on behalf of, TCKs.


Thanks Tanya for your contributions to the FIGT community. 

Families in Global Transition
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