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FIGT Conference Keynote Speaker announcement

29 Oct 2017 1:53 AM | Anonymous

The Annual FIGT Conference is edging nearer, and lots of plans are in progress behind the scenes! Make sure you keep checking in to be the first to know the exciting news as we share it.

We’re excited to announce our first Keynote Speaker for the event - Robin Pascoe. Robin is a long-time friend of FIGT, and is one half of the Parfitt Pascoe Writing Residency program.

Robin is known as ‘The Expat Expert’ and has written no less than 7 books on living abroad, ranging from relocating your marriage, parenting global nomads, and guides to help expat wives successfully navigate their time overseas. Robin is currently the Director of Global Communications for the Maple Bear School, a global network of Canadian curriculum schools based in Vancouver, Canada.

Robin Pascoe was among the first wave of expat writers to create and promote the language we use to understand the strengths and challenges of the globally mobile family. And for over twenty years, she traveled around the expat world reassuring families by introducing that language and articulating shared experiences. In her keynote address, she will re-examine the meaning of the words “families” in “global” “transition” in the context of diversity and relocation in the 21stcentury. And, using her trademark humour, she will share her stories of the past 20 years and her vision for the next.

As an international speaker, Robin’s expertise takes her all over the world. She is known as being funny, engaging and inspirational. Robin’s global living experience was earned as a Canadian diplomatic spouse and parent to two Third Culture Kids on postings in Bangkok, Taipei, Beijing and Seoul.

Robin’s topics all relate to global living, and are invaluable insights into repatriating as a spouse, dealing with culture shock, and practical ways for wives and parents to deal with the challenges of adapting to a nomadic life.

Known as an authority about expat life, Robin has been widely interviewed and featured in major publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The International Herald Tribue, Working Mothers Magazine, Utne Reader, CNN, to name a few.

We’re so excited to welcome Robin as part of the FIGT Conference experience!

Learn more about Robin on these links:

Robin’s website, The Expat Expert.

Homeward Bound: A Spouse's Guide to Repatriation

A Moveable Marriage: Relocate Your Relationship without Breaking It

Raising Global Nomads: Parenting Abroad in an On-Demand World

Culture Shock! Successful Living Abroad: A Wife's Guide

A Broad Abroad: The Expat Wife's Guide to Successful Living Abroad

Parent's Guide (Culture Shock! Practical Guides)

Living and Working Abroad: A Wife's Guide


Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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