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How FIGT enriches

11 May 2018 11:47 AM | Anonymous

In anticipation of FIGT’s 20th anniversary celebration conference this year, we received many notes of congratulations from people who once attended, or have been affiliated with FIGT in the past but were unable to attend. Among those received, was a note from the company which used to administer FIGT’s membership system, website etc.

“I wanted to wish you warm congratulations on the 20 years and the work you have done. Having supported the organization for a few years as the management office we came to greatly appreciate the mission of FIGT, the enrichment you gave professionals in family transition support, and the tangible sense of belonging you provided so many people. Heartfelt good wishes on your celebration of 20 years. Simply put, this world and our lives are better because of FIGT.  Brian Gorg, Collie Gorg Group.

Extending the enrichment

Since launching our Public Directory we have been able to direct inquiries from the public to the support and resources they were looking for. Members within our Public Directory who have a service or product can be searched by location or expertise by anyone, and in the near future will be sharing their knowledge through our blog.

The introduction of a new membership level, introduced at 2018 FIGT conference had just this in mind: enriching lives and giving a sense of belonging to those within our community: not only for our members, or those who have attended conferences, but also for those new to FIGT or global living. While individual members can interact, learn from one another, share insights, look back on past conference material, take advantage of webinars etc.; our new small-business/associate/non-profit level make something similar available to the public – to members and non-members.

Our members, at all levels further enrich FIGT as it is because of their support, commitment to and belief in FIGT that we are able to continue to do the work we do. Without our members FIGT would not be what it is, and for this we thank them all.

Not yet a member? Find out more here.

Know someone or an organisation looking for support pre-move or in a new location? Search our Directory  or check our Affiliates pages, there may be a local chapter of FIGT near you.

Want to change your membership status, to become a part of the Public Directory? Contact Judy, our Administrator.

Have questions about becoming a member? Contact Deborah, our Membership Chair

Reunion of Strangers

In the book, Reunion of Strangers, which was given to all 2018 Conference attendees, and is available (in pdf)  to all who become a Member until the end of 2018, Maryam Afnan Ahmad said this at FIGT 2014:

“The best things about FIGT is the openness to interact and learn what everyone brings. Secondly, it is always cathartic to met people who are immediately able to understand our shared struggle to create a life when it is so transitory. Thirdly, I am just blown away by the fabulous research, tools and services people are creating.”

Copies of Reunion of Strangers can also be purchased as a paperback at Amazon.com & Amazon.co.uk.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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