We can hardly believe it’s been three months since our successful 2018 conference in the Hague.
Since then, some talented writers within our community have written blog posts sharing their reflections and takeaways from the conference. Here are some highlights from FIGT members.
Jodi Harris from World Tree Coaching - Reflections on the Families in Global Transition Conference 2018 The Hague
“All over FIGT I was meeting people who were showing up to the conference for the first time! And there were people who were writing for the first time, starting a globally mobile business for the first time, creating a Facebook live video for the first time, and so, so much more. See – this is what community does! It gives you the guts to try new things. “
Sundae from Expat Happy Hour - Changing the Conversation as Families in Global Transition
“I flew 13,300 km to be with my tribe. It meant no sleep. Full dehydration. And a huge kink in my neck. And it was totally worth it.”
Lisa Ferland from KnockedUp Abroad - The 20th Anniversary of FIGT - Perhaps the Best Yet
“With so much value in the actual presentations, it is easy to forget the gold found in the hallway conversations and at the lunch tables. During lunch times, I tried to find a table where I didn’t know anyone and introduce myself. In doing this, I discovered two women who live in Stockholm (funny how we met in The Hague instead of our own shared city), and US-based educators working on getting kids outdoors (one of my passions). It’s a fantastic feeling when you find so much in common with random strangers at a conference. FIGT is truly an inclusive space.”
Nicole Blythe from Relocate Guru - Finding Your Purpose
“One of my favourite things about this particular conference is that you meet people in real life that I had only 'meet' on social media months beforehand. It feels more like catching up with long lost friends instead of the usual business events where it can feel hard to make a real connection with anyone. It felt really special to thank (and hug) people in person who have been supporting me from as far as Tokyo, New York or Dubai.”
Meg Norton from Adult Third Culture Kid Blog – FIGT2018
“Attending the conference feels like a family reunion. This year, I felt like I was seeing my older sisters present on their bad-a$$ consultancies and businesses. I felt like I was sharing both my professional and personal news to my inquisitive aunts (they were curious about my love-life even). And, I felt like I was introducing my friends (my first time attendee panelists) to my extended relatives I haven’t seen in a year. It is a cosy and secure feeling at this conference. I felt the support and the space to be vulnerable.”
Vivian Chiona from Expat Nest - Managing a Health Condition Abroad… 16 Strategies to Support You
“It can be extremely stressful when we or someone we love becomes ill abroad. As well as the (very normal) physical and mental turmoil of illness, we often find ourselves dealing with additional challenges that are unique to international life.
At the Families in Global Transition (FIGT) conference in March 2018, I got together with professional healthcare and vitality coach Carolyn Parse Rizzo for a “Kitchen Table Conversation” on exactly this topic.”
Rita Rosenback and 7 other writers at MultiCultural Kid Blogs - Families in Global Transition Conference: Reflections
“Once again, the magical FIGT conference atmosphere emerged instantly, from the morning of day one and I would love to be able to share this experience with many more of you at next year’s conference!”

Thank you to those writers for writing about your experience and bringing the FIGT message out to the wider community.
Only a small fraction have been highlighted here but to make sure you don’t miss out on great posts from the members of our community, LIKE and FOLLOW our Facebook page, Twitter and LinkedIn.
We hope you will join us too at next year’s conference. Sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss all our latest news.