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Learning from our Membership - Inviting Your Insights!

13 Mar 2019 12:42 AM | Anonymous

In February we reported back on the progress of FIGT’s new membership strategy, as announced at FIGT2018. The growth in our small business/associate level as well as corporate members is a testament to the collaboration, networking, resources and visibility FIGT provides these members. And we are delighted to see connections being made, projects being hatched and activity increasing within our community.

Today we would like to reflect on – and appeal to your insights about – our individual/student members. How can we better serve them, better offer them the wealth of what we, as a community, have to offer and contribute to their own ‘successful navigation of crossing borders and cultures.’ Not to mention, learn from their own experiences in order to enrich us further. Read the blog and please share your questions with us!

So, our question to you, this month is this: what do you recall as being the ‘first’ question you had – when starting your global journey? 

What for many of us, is second nature – if not first – is not the case for many others. So, we would like to ‘check-in’ on some assumptions, gain insight from those starting and then, weave these needs into our own mission, vision and value propositions for individual/student members.

Can’t recall what ‘that' question was? Check in with your colleagues, clients and acquaintances. Ask them: "what ‘blank’ did you have when you heard you were going ‘global'?" And, please do share them with us. 

Remember. There is NO such thing as a ‘silly question’: because the answer may just be what makes the difference, and what is silly for one, can be monumental to another. We are excited AND curious to hear what you have to share. Together, we can all make the difference. That much we, at FIGT, know.

GO! Share your questions with us.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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