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Introducing Silver Sponsor: American Psychologist

05 Apr 2019 1:49 PM | Anonymous

One of the best signs of a great sponsor is when they choose to renew. Families in Global Transition is thrilled to report that American Psychologist, headed up by Dr. Mark Burdick, is returning once again as a Silver Sponsor.

BPPS (Burdick Psychological and Placement Services) / American Psychologist is a family- based, concierge psychological services provider, consultancy, and education & program placement agency located in Amsterdam. With five offices registered in the EU, UK, and US, they serve families worldwide, providing continuing support to their families during and after placement. Many of their clients have youngsters with learning or emotional issues. But not all: others are exceptionally bright and need a challenge or better educational fit. 

“American Psychologist travels the globe – yes, making house calls – to help support expat families at risk,” Mark explains. “Whether it’s for assessment and expert recommendation for treatment or education, we’ve been providing solutions to expats for over 30 years. I’m particularly looking forward to the upcoming conference in Bangkok, as it’s an opportunity to introduce one of our unique services: our addiction support to challenged expat families.”

Another sign of a truly dedicated sponsor? Recognizing when others might benefit from connecting with and supporting FIGT’s mission and global community.

Here at FIGT, we like to say that “our sponsors know when it’s a good fit, and so do we.” Mark epitomizes this belief, as he is the person who recently brought fellow Silver Sponsor Solebury School into the FIGT fold.

At a conference in Switzerland late last summer, he met Solebury’s Director of International Recruitment and fellow Adult Third Culture Kid, Jennifer Morrissey. Mark told her all about the FIGT organization and our annual three-day conference, and convinced her of the advantages of becoming involved. Having one sponsor help enlist another is a positive development, indeed!

We welcome back American Psychologist as a returning sponsor, thank Mark for his continued support of FIGT, and look forward to seeing him #FIGT2019 in Bangkok.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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