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Huge Thanks to Gold Sponsor International Family Law Group

26 Jun 2019 1:13 PM | Anonymous

Anyone who has been involved in Families in Global Transition during the past several years knows what a stalwart sponsor International Family Law Group has been, and this year is no exception. IFLG partners David Hodson and Lucy Greenwood lead by example, modeling for fellow sponsors, FIGT members and conference attendees alike what it means to be committed to and actively involved in carrying out FIGT’s mission.

In their daily work, David and Lucy work tirelessly to help international families be aware of, prepare for, and respond to the potential challenges of international moves, especially when marital relationships run into difficulties.

Knowledgeable about topics, trends and research affecting people living across cultures, they continually develop new materials to help expats prepare for and help prevent the complications and ensuing struggles that can occur. As Lucy has noted, “sponsoring FIGT shows our client base and beyond that we are mindful of tailoring our work to international families’ needs.”

At the FIGT2019 conference held in Bangkok earlier this year, David and Lucy shared their extensive knowledge and experience dealing with cross-cultural marital/family discord. They then went a step further, gathering a panel of experts to outline the broader financial, tax and legal implications that can occur – sometimes unwittingly − in globally mobile businesses and lives, and how to address them.

In addition to the many in-depth conversations both shared with those present at the conference, Lucy donated considerable time and attention to the Program Committee, preparing the Lightning presenters to share their ideas and experiences with the FIGT community and beyond.

Thank you David, Lucy and the entire team at IFLG for your crucial support to FIGT!

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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