Families in Global Transition is pleased to announce that SENIA International joins us as a first-time Silver Sponsor.

SENIA International is the Special Education Network & Inclusion Association, a global organization of educators, professionals, and parents whose mission is to advocate for and provide resources and support for differently abled individuals.
“Our vision,” according to Lori Boll, Conference and Associations Coordinator for SENIA, “is to live in an inclusive world where every individual is supported, resources are accessible, potential is maximized, and action is inspired.”
Lori also runs International School Bangkok’s new Intensive Needs Program. She is particularly pleased that FIGT2020 will be held March 13–15th at the ISB campus, and welcomes the conference theme of Embracing and Bridging Differences.
“SENIA has known about FIGT for years. We are interested in sponsoring as we would like to bridge together families who are moving overseas to inclusive schools in their countries. Moving countries is difficult, and moving countries with a child with special learning needs is incredibly hard. SENIA can help support these families.”
Like FIGT, SENIA holds an annual conference — this year, early December in Korea — and would like to spread the word to interested parties.
“I have not attended an FIGT conference yet,” Lori said, “and I’m excited about it. I’m excited to network with experts in this field. I hope people will reach out to SENIA for support and resources.”
FIGT shares that excitement as well. We appreciate that SENIA International is partnering with us, and look forward to seeing them in March at FIGT2020!
FIGT is grateful to have incredible sponsors who understand the experiences and needs of the globally mobile community. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please visit our sponsorship page.