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FIGT Membership: "Together Apart: Meaningful Connections. Enriched Lives."

28 Oct 2020 8:47 AM | Anonymous

October was Membership Drive month at FIGT but it’s not over yet! Find out more about Membership, why get involved, and how.

Blog title: 2020 membership drive. Drawing of many hands holding strings connected to the letters FIGT. Drawn by Cath Brew

October was Membership Drive month at FIGT. Without our members we would not, and could not, exist. 

Throughout the month, we were excited to share a series of videos from FIGT Members describing what FIGT membership means to them. With such a diverse membership, FIGT means many different things to different people.

▶ If you’ve missed any of these videos, you can watch them all here. 

A very big thank you to all our Members and Affiliates who participated by sharing their stories and promoting our content across social media. 

It’s not too late to get involved! 

October may be coming to an end, but our efforts to grow our membership are ongoing. 

Learn more about our 2020 Membership Drive and please support our efforts by sharing our content across social media (with hashtag #OurFIGT) and encouraging your family, friends and colleagues to join us.

Membership provides valuable opportunities to forge deep connections and share knowledge. 

Members have access to a wide range of privileges, including high-quality member-only resources, an exclusive Facebook members group, discounts, volunteer opportunities, a listing in the Member Directory, and the opportunity to invest in and contribute to the field of global mobility.  

Membership enables all of us to actively play a role in a diverse, enriching community. 

Are you considering FIGT membership but still wondering if it’s for you? 

One of our favourite things about FIGT is the diverse experiences of our Members. It doesn’t matter why you moved or how you moved—FIGT welcomes people with every type of global mobility experience.

We break down some of the myths about FIGT membership in a recent blog article

If you are not already a part of this unique and growing community, we extend a very warm invitation to join us.  We’d love to meet you and hear about your experiences.

Did you know we have 4 different membership levels? 

Have you considered renewing your membership at a different level? Perhaps you joined as an individual, but as a small-business owner, you may be wondering if a different membership level is for you.

It may be a good time to review the different membership levels and their associated privileges to see what level best suits your current situation.

Thank you to our Members!

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to send a heartfelt thank you to all our FIGT Members, past and present. 

Through the support of our diverse and dynamic Members and the dedication of nearly 100 volunteers, FIGT has grown from a grassroots organization into a global community touching nearly every corner of the globe. 

Membership and sponsorship are the cornerstones of our existence. They are fundamental to our ability to fulfill our mission to be a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them. 

As we said at the top: without you, we would not, and could not, exist.

(Cover drawing by Cath Brew, Drawn to a Story)

If you have more questions about individual Membership, please visit our 2020 Membership Drive page for more information or reach out to Jodi Harris at vice-president@figt.org. For Sponsorship enquiries, please contact our Sponsorship Director at sponsorship@figt.org.

Also don’t forget to join us on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter and sign up to our newsletter to get updates.

Members who haven’t already: do send a request to join the FIGT Members Group on Facebook.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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