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Meet Your New Board: Sarah Black, Communications Co-Director

20 Nov 2020 3:17 AM | Anonymous

The driving force behind FIGT’s social media presence for the last two years, animal-lover Sarah Black is FIGT’s new Communications Co-Director. Having started her expat journey relatively late, she reassures us that it’s never too late to do what you want to do!

Blog title: Sarah Black is FIGT's new Communications Co-Director

Can you briefly describe your FIGT role?

I’m Co-Director for Communications. I am fortunate to share this role with Flor Breton-Garcia. Together we are responsible for FIGT’s internal and external communications.

What inspired you to stand for this particular office?

I have been part of FIGT’s Communications team for just over two years. What led me to volunteer then is what led me to stand for this new role. I wanted to use my professional expertise and experience in communications to give back to a community and organization that means so much to me and has greatly enriched my life. 

Anything you particularly hope to accomplish this year?

As someone who knows the value of being part of the FIGT community, I really want to make us more accessible and available to more people, particularly those who most need its support.

I also want to see our community continue to become more inclusive of all the rich variety of globally mobile experiences.

Your favorite thing about being a part of FIGT?

There’s so much, I don’t know if I can pick one thing! I love how broad our community is — it doesn’t matter what your global mobility journey or experience looks like, you are welcome and valued here. I love the friendships I have formed, often with people who I have never met in person but who have hugely enriched my life.

And day-to-day, I love working with the many dedicated volunteers who make up the Communications team — there’s a lot of laughter in our team meetings!

Can you share a random piece of info about yourself please?

To know me is to know my dogs. I’ve always loved dogs and during our time in Texas, we adopted two shelter mutts who are now highly pampered expat pets. I also became a shelter volunteer so people might be surprised to know that I’ve actually taken a lot of animal behavior and dog training courses.

Please share some words of wisdom for FIGT members and globally mobile people in general

It’s never too late to do whatever it is you want to do. My husband and I moved internationally for the very first time ten years ago when we were 40.

So please don’t think that because you weren’t a Third Culture Kid or haven’t lived in more than a couple of countries, or haven’t written a book, that you somehow don’t belong in our community. You do. We’d love you to be part of FIGT!

The Directors are already busy working! Learn more about Sarah and the other Board members, and stay connected via FacebookLinkedIn, or Twitter and sign up to our newsletter to get the latest!

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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