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A showcase of FIGT Members' written work, focusing on the issues we study, the best practices we share, and the strategies we provide to support expatriates and cross cultural individuals and their families. Contributions are a privilege for Small Business and Corporate membership levels only and you can submit up to 3 posts per year. Please use our online form below to submit a blog for consideration or contact blogeditor@figt.org.

  • 11 Nov 2016 3:43 AM | Anonymous

    The Digital Living Forum was led by Elizabeth Douet, director of Global Training Specialists

    Article by Sam Parfitt

    Elizabeth Douet runs Global Training Specialists, an intercultural training, coaching and consultancy company, based in Dublin, Ireland. She has many years of experience in the field and also works as a journalist. Elizabeth claims technology has put an end to ‘trailing’ status, a problematic term employed in the early days of thinking and writing about expat culture. ‘Trailing’ status refers to the often unfortunate circumstances the spouses of expats often find themselves in abroad. However, apps, online platforms and other communication technologies have changed all that and today you need never be without the resources at your disposal to sell what you have to buyers from around the world.

    The Early Bird Catches the Worm

    The Early Bird Forums cater to those of us eager enough to have gotten up out of bed and hopped on the tram – or perhaps our bikes – and made our way to the conference center to connect with others we might learn from. The early bird almost certainly catches the worm, for the audience was filled with people who had their own stories to tell about the ways they had benefitted from an informed use of the web, letting the rest of us in on this or that great website we couldn’t believe we didn’t already know about.

    Some of us were even promoting innovations of our own. David Hodson, for example, of the International Family Law Group, had been working on an app that will help inform expats on any legal issues they might face when moving abroad. “People feel insecure because they don’t know,” David contends. His app hopes to provide movers with the information they might need to make the most of their move and to feel empowered and on top of things.

    The App Revolution

    Unless you’ve only recently come out of a decade long hibernation, you’re probably already familiar with websites like eBay or Amazon, or with applications like Skype and Whatsapp. Websites and applications like these enable most of us to get books and movies in the languages we want anywhere we might be in the world at the moment, and also to send presents to loved ones when apart. Skype, of course, needs no introduction, having saved us hundreds, if not thousands on phone bills. Most of us also use the web now to bank, book holidays and even to search for a house. In fact, in addition to looking for a house, one can even, with some agents, sign the contract remotely, before even having set foot in the country! Again, another hurdle many expats face that has been significantly lowered thanks to the web.

    The following websites should put you in good stead to make the most out of being ex patria, both at work and at home:


    • Lloyd’s Pharmacy offer an online medical consultancy service where you can find advice of a standard and in a language you’re used to, useful if you’ve not yet had the chance to sort out health insurance yet.
    • Patients Like Me is a peer-generated ‘wiki’ or catalogue of health advice that can offer a less panic-inducing alternative to the unsupervised hypochondria of the chatrooms sometimes delivered by Google searches.


    • Currency Exchange offers ‘peer 2 peer’ currency exchange, meaning lower transaction costs for both parties wanting either to sell or buy foreign currency.

    Buy/ Sell

    • Airbnb is an example of sites providing the bridge between people wanting to sell and others wanting to buy form the majority of the recent wave of online household names. Airbnb allows you to let out your spare room or your whole apartment while you’re away so others can stay in oftentimes more comfortable surroundings while they make their city break in your hometown, and almost always at a lower cost.


    • Flexjobs can provide you with a job on the go, as can coaches like suitcase entrepreneur help you to find them through other channels.
    • Dropbox and Google Drive, both well-known file storing and sharing platforms, can be supplemented with little known sites like Spider Oak, which offers similar services but with increased privacy.

    The Cons

    Of course, the new wave of online platforms and websites has meant the end of many high street businesses. Travels agents, CD shops and even estate agents have been disappearing from our busiest shopping streets, meaning less employment at the local level. While apps like Uber enable people to make money as and when they want, making the most of their spare time, they also threaten career taxi drivers who can’t compete with the ease of use and competitive pricing of car sharing apps. Profits are taken out of the country and the power of the unions is threatened. Berlin, Germany, for example, has banned both Uber and the letting out of entire apartments on Airbnb, claiming the latter has driven hotels out of business and that Airbnb circumvents state regulation of accommodation standards.

    Elizabeth makes it clear that whether you are simply seeking to make a bit of cash on the side, maintain contact with your homeland, loved ones and friends, or hoping to start a fully-fledged online business, recent developments in online communication platforms, has made your life a whole lot easier for you. That is, if you’ve got the WiFi up and running yet!

    Resources: Websites, Apps














    International Family Law Group LLP www.iflg.uk.com

    Global Training Specialists www.globaltrainingspecialists.com

    Sam Parfitt is a trained anthropologist and freelance writer who has grown up in Dubai, Oman, Norway, England and the Netherlands. He has had articles published in local, national and international newspapers and has written arts reviews for music blogs and student journals. Berlin is his home away from home. London his center of gravity. He is now looking for full time work in the arts and museums and/or charity sectors while working on a book on the pioneers of Penang for Summertime Publishing.

  • 08 Nov 2016 6:34 AM | Anonymous

    Sarah Bringhurst Familia, Public Relations officer at the Expatriate Archive Centre in The Hague, writes about her co-authorship to a chapter in the recently published book, Global Mobilities: Refugees, Exiles and Immigrants in Museums and Archives, edited by Amy K. Levin, Professor Emeritus at Northern Illinois University

    A year and a half ago, when I began working for the Expatriate Archive Centre (EAC) in The Hague, I inherited a half-written article on the history of the organisation. It was intended to be a chapter in a book written by an American scholar, and it fell to me to pull together portions written by different authors, hunt through the archive for source citations and supporting material, and synthesize the whole into a coherent narrative.

    During the course of my research, writing, and editing, I grew to feel acquainted with the founders of the archive, and fell progressively more in love with their creation—this place where the lives and stories of expats, especially expat women and their families, were preserved, cherished, and given their place in history.

    The roots of the EAC go back to the early 1990’s; a time when expat women were still often expected to unquestioningly fill the role of the ‘trailing spouse’, with everything the moniker implied. At the time, global oil giant Shell was preparing for a celebration commemorating its 100th anniversary. A few ‘Shell wives’, as they were then called, noticed that nowhere in the preparations was there any attention given to the contributions and sacrifices that had been made over the years by spouses (most of them women) and families of the Shell workers deployed around the globe.

    To rectify the oversight, these enterprising women formed what they called the ‘Shell Ladies Project,’ and began gathering the stories and experiences of Shell wives like themselves all over the world for publication in a book. The resulting publication, Life on the Move, was so well-received that they soon published a sequel. By this time they had amassed so many interesting documents that they decided the material they had gathered should be preserved not only for themselves and the Shell family, but also for academic researchers and the future. They decided to form an archive, and to open it not only to stories of Shell families, but to expats of all kinds from all over world. Today the EAC holds a diversity of individual, family, and organisational collections comprising primary source material such as letters, diaries, photographs, newsletters, blogs, etc., from expats in over 80 different countries.

    When the women of the Shell Ladies Project decided that stories like theirs were worth preserving in an archive, they expanded the boundaries of history, and of archiving. Although perhaps they would not have viewed themselves as feminist, they were creating a space in which the everyday stories of expats abroad, especially women, were considered as valuable for historical preservation and academic research, in a way they had not been valued before.

    I was fascinated to learn of their struggles and triumphs in the early years of the EAC, and honoured to have the chance to put them in writing for inclusion in Global Mobilities: Refugees, Exiles and Immigrants in Museums and Archives, a new book edited by Amy K. Levin, Professor Emeritus in Northern Illinois University’s English  Department. Levin does research in the areas of Women’s Studies and women’s literature, Museum Studies, Victorian literature, African-American literature.

    Global Mobilities looks at the role of museums and archives in the politics of integration and cultural diversity and their efforts to further the inclusion of racial and ethnic minority populations. The chapter on the EAC which I co-authored is Chapter 16: Expanding the Boundaries of History: The Expatriate Archive Centre. Other chapters explore different institutions and their approaches to migration history, as well as contextualising the ideas and providing interesting case studies.

    Global Mobilities would be an excellent addition to the library of any scholar, archive, university, or private individual with an interest in migration studies, museums, and how the two have interacted. Please feel free to download the flyer below (which affords you a 20% discount on the book) and pass it on to anyone else who might be interested!

    For more about the book, please see:  www.xpatarchive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Global-Mobilities-FLYER.pdf
  • 03 Nov 2016 4:30 AM | Anonymous

    The Research Forum was led by Families in Global Transition Research Network Director Sarah Gonzales and Co-Founder Ann Baker-Cottrell

    Article by Meghali Pandey

    The Research Forum was led by the Families in Global Transition (FIGT) Research Network. The FIGT Research Network is an interdisciplinary community of international professionals seeking to advance the knowledge base and understanding of individuals and families living across cultures and in global transition.

    This Early Bird Forum focused on showcasing some of the latest work being carried out in the aforementioned areas by researchers around the world, and the broader activities of the research network. Some of the things made possible through this network include:

    • Building relationships among/ between researchers, those that they study, as well as the consumers of their research.
    • Encouraging and assisting researchers by facilitating the sharing of solutions to methodological challenges.
    • Increasing awareness around emerging research.
    • Supporting and guiding research using best practices.
    • Promoting multidisciplinary research and literature.

    Torben Anderson

    Torben Anderson is a professor in the Department of Leadership and Corporate Strategy at the University of Southern Denmark, and a visiting professor at San Francisco State University and the University of Auckland. His research has mainly concentrated on the structural and strategic aspects of international human resource management.

    Torben explained how his research chiefly addresses the empirical field of engineers, which is 70-80% male in its makeup. Exploring the question of ‘How do modern families make decisions about expatriation?’, Torben has found widely diverging results within the Danish expat population alone. There are marked differences between families who live in expat bubbles or westernized ‘ghettos’ versus those who ‘go native’, engaging more fully with the host culture. There are also differences between male and female roles when expatriating as the accompanying spouse.

    Alix Carnot

    Alix Carnot is the head of International Careers Development at Expat Communication, and the author of Chéri(e), On s'Expatrie: Guide de Survie à l'Usage des Couples Aventuriers. Having moved eight times in 15 years with her husband and four sons, she has developed considerable expertise on expatriate couples’ issues and dual international careers.

    Through her research, Alix discovered that although 80% of French women wanted to continue working even after following their husbands for an international assignment, only 50% of this sample group actually achieved it. Most of these women indicated they wanted to work for fulfilment, and not merely money, often worrying about finding a job upon repatriation. In fact, many discovered they had regressed because of their expatriate experience.

    Anna Maria Moore

    Anna Maria Moore is a half-American, half-Swedish Adult Third Culture Kid (ATCK) who lived on five continents before the age of 18. Her research began in 2010, and focuses on the specific sample group of lovepats – those who move to, or live in their partner’s country. The main question she posited as part of the FIGT Research Forum was ‘Is it something about living in your partner’s country that makes it more challenging?’

    Anna chiefly wants to research whether being an expatriate affects romantic and marital relationships. To date, she has surveyed people from 90 countries living in 74 countries, finding that 66% of those surveyed said it was “a sacrifice” to have had to move for their partner.

    Rachel Cason

    Rachel Cason is a missionary ATCK who grew up in West Africa, and now lives in England. Her doctoral research led her to launch Life Story, a therapeutic service that applies her research findings in a form suited to those with highly mobile childhoods.

    During her research, Rachel focused mainly on how Third Culture Kids (TCK) relate to other migration groups, surveying 61 TCKs from different organizational backgrounds. According to her, TCKs often represent an “imaginary diaspora,” which has led her to explore the concept of where exactly the “imagined homeland” of TCKs may be found.

    Rachel has discovered the rates for TCKs returning abroad from their ‘home’ countries fall between 50-90%, with strong links to cosmopolitanism, and consequently, feelings of rootlessness. There is also a degree of vagrancy in confusing and confounding more settled populations since TCKs who choose to return abroad make a choice of perpetual mobility. Finally, she indicates how her findings raise further pertinent questions regarding gender in the expat community, as well as the virtual communities that arise through highly mobile lifestyles.

    The forum ended with researchers discussing different psychological patterns and behaviors that affect expatriate lifestyles. These include the cognitive curve, the behavioral curve, and the affectionate curve. Places like the Expat Archive Centre at The Hague, and expat blogs online were also recommended as valuable venues to conduct research and meet like-minded individuals.

    Ann Baker Cottrell, the founder of the TCK Research Network, and one of the leading researchers on Third Culture Kids, ended the forum by highlighting further areas of research and the interesting questions they raised for the whole host of organizations and individuals attending FIGT. Often, she underlines, going back to one’s ‘home’ country is what raises issues for Third Culture Kids, whereas there is no reason to believe the host country has always been perfect and without flaws. What, then, does this tell us about the psychological patterns, cultural affiliations, and attachment behaviors of TCKs?



    Expat Communication www.expatcommunication.com

    Journal of Cross-Cultural Family Studies www.ojs.acu.edu/ojs/index.php/jccfs/announcement/view/2

    Worldwide Families www.worldwidefamilies.org

    Worldwide Writings www.worldwidewritings.com

    Life Story: Moving Towards a Settled Self www.explorelifestory.com 

    Roaming the World www.roamingtheworld.com

    International Therapist Directory www.internationaltherapistdirectory.com    

    Expat Archive Centre www.xpatarchive.com


    I Love You, But I Want to Leave, Anna Maria Moore, www.denizenmag.com/2011/05/i-love-you-but-i-want-to-leave/


    Chéri(e), On s'Expatrie! Guide de Survie à l'Usage des Couples Aventuriers, Alix Carnot, Groupe Eyrolles, 2016

    Belonging Everywhere and Nowhere: Insights into Counselling the Globally Mobile,  Lois J. Bushong, Mango Tree Intercultural Services, 2013

    Writing Out of Limbo: International Childhoods, Global Nomads and Third Culture Kids, Edited by Gene H. Bell-Villada and Nina Sichel with Faith Eidse and Elaine Neil Orr, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011

    Meghali Pandey is an adult third culture kid (ATCK) who works in youth development and cultural diplomacy. She has written for Youth to End Sexual ViolenceOnpartu, and Use Your Difference magazine. She has worked with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK) on youth engagement with foreign policy, in international cultural exchange with the Cabinet Office of Japan, and on developing cross-cultural youth engagement during disaster and conflict. She is currently developing her writing as a means to explore identity and belonging as an ATCK. 

  • 28 Oct 2016 4:46 AM | Anonymous

    The FIGT blog is a source of information, ideas and support for its members and the wider globally mobile community. It also provides an opportunity for members to showcase their work and communicate to a wider international audience. As such, we publish:

    ·      Original content written by members;

    ·      Interviews;

    ·      Descriptions of member blogs or highlights of specific posts by members (we do not re-publish entire posts);

    ·      Guest blogs by our sponsors

    ·      Guest blogs by others with experience or knowledge that can benefit members

    Members are encouraged to use the blog to reach a wide, international audience. Posts should not be promotional, but rather contribute original material to the wider debate on issues relevant to the FIGT community. (Promotional blogs are to be submitted to the ‘news’ section of the website for consideration.)

    Once published, blog posts are promoted on the website, the newsletter, the Facebook Page, the LinkedIn group and on Twitter. Contributors are encouraged to link to their post on their own social media outlets.

    To submit a proposal, please email the blog editor at blogeditor@figt.com

    Post should be between 500 to 700 words, include a bio of the author (100 words max) and be accompanied by a photograph or image (of yourself or something relevant to your post).

    Photographers (professional or hobby) are encouraged to provide photographs to the blog. Your contributions will be attributed to you and you can add publication on our blog to your portfolio. Images speak louder than words and we would love to share your vision of the globally mobile world.

  • 06 Oct 2016 12:07 PM | Anonymous

    by Lisa Ferland

    Pregnant expatriate women must often evaluate contrasting information and interpret well-meaning but confusing advice throughout pregnancy and into parenthood. There are, in fact, no internationally accepted norms: women around the world follow different medical recommendations during pregnancy and are given conflicting instructions regarding consumption of alcohol, caffeine intake, the level of daily exercise, the number of prenatal scans, blood tests, appropriate weight gain, and childbirth recommendations.

    A pregnant woman in Turkey was refused ice in her water because Turks are superstitious about allowing any part of a pregnant woman's body to get cold. When local customs differ greatly from what you are accustomed to, you tend to dismiss them as unnecessary. However, most of them can be traced back to cultural traditions or beliefs. Expat mothers may not understand the history behind the pregnancy recommendations, but I'm sure there is a reason. Right?

    Often, your doctor or midwife's best advice is, " you should listen to your body." In the book, What to Expect When Expecting, the main theme is something like, "Every woman is different and what is normal for you is totally normal," (I'm paraphrasing, of course). With fluffy feel good self-affirming recommendations, you realize that there is no hard evidence behind the majority of pregnancy recommendations. As the Dutch say, "Just act normal—that's crazy enough."

    For the expat woman, absorbing numerous pregnancy recommendations based on cultural norms can lead down a complicated maze of decision making. "Should I do things the way my mother did them back "home" or does my local country have a better approach?" Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing, and that uncertainty can lead to increased stress and anxiety which is not good - the one recommendation that all countries do agree on is the importance of reducing maternal stress.

    Birthing practices around the world also differ, ranging from highly medicalized approaches to low-intervention, home birth or midwife-driven practices. Cesarean section rates can be used as an indicator for the level of medical intervention. Turkey has the highest C-section rate of 50.4/100 live births and the Netherlands with the lowest of 15.6/100 live births (2).

    So, given the variety of practices and definitions of is normal, what is an expat mother to do? Should she dunk her baby's umbilical cord in a warm bath every night as her Thai doctor instructed or keep it dry and swab it with alcohol as her US doctor directed? Does it even matter? For the majority of healthy pregnancies, the answer is no. These recommendations that are not based on scientific evidence are cultural guidelines. If you experience medical complications during your pregnancy, then you want to feel comfortable that your medical team can provide the appropriate level of care for you and your baby.

    To prepare for having a baby abroad, conduct a lot of research and have conversations with other women about their experiences with giving birth in that country. Every woman's experience, even for the woman herself, will be different with every child, but it is good to collect a wide range of stories to prepare yourself for what might happen. Ask questions and take pregnancy recommendations with a grain of salt. The more we learn about what other women deem "normal" during pregnancy, the less we need to be concerned that we are doing something wrong. There is no perfect approach to pregnancy and childbirth, and each woman is unique. 

    Don't let the nine full months of pregnancy be a time of stress, worry, and anxiety as you navigate this vulnerable time abroad. Keep asking questions, mentally preparing, and rubbing that belly. Just be sure you don't let your Turkish neighbors see you eating ice cream lest you risk their wrath.

    For more stories about pregnancy, birth, and childrearing abroad that challenge preconceived notions about motherhood, be sure to read 26 women's stories in Knocked Up Abroad Again. Currently only available on Kickstarter.

    Lisa Ferland is a public health consultant, writer, editor, publisher, and mother of two adorable children. She has lived in Sweden with her husband and two children who enjoy picking blueberries and mushrooms in the forests. Read more at Knocked Up Abroad.

  • 30 Sep 2016 5:56 AM | Anonymous


    Vivian Chiona

    As we move around the world, we are often confronted with the need to communicate in a foreign language. FIGT member Vivian Chiona has written apost on this topic on her blog, Expat Nest. In it, she describes the difficulties language barriers presents us, and offers a list of helpful pointers on how to master language anxiety. Read the full article at www.expatnest.com/dealing-language-barrier-expat/

    Vivian Chiona, founder and director of Expat Nest, is a psychologist with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, as well as Master’s degrees in both Child & Adolescent Psychology and Health Psychology. 

  • 23 Sep 2016 3:29 AM | Anonymous

    by Rebecca Grappo

    Many families find, to their dismay, that the needs of their exceptional children may not be easily met in a foreign environment. 

    In our years of experience working with internationally mobile families and their children, many have found that with careful planning and coordination, their children have wonderful educational opportunities in either international or local schools. But this is too important to be left to chance. Thus, preparation and investigation is key to a student’s ultimate success overseas.

    There are many factors to consider, therefore, if a family is contemplating an overseas assignment when it involves a child with special needs.  Here are my “Top Ten” tips for those considering such an assignment.

    1. If you live in a country with reputable psychologists who can thoroughly evaluate your child’s learning needs, be sure to have updated psycho-educational testing done for your child before you leave your home country. Know and understand the diagnosis and what the recommendations are to meet your child’s needs. These recommendations are usually a combination of home and school interventions.
    2. Identify schools in the new location of the assignment to see which schools might be able to meet the recommendations. Remember that just because a school might say it accepts students with special needs doesn’t mean they are equipped to deal with ALL kinds of special needs. Some may accept mild learning needs only; others may be able to work with moderate needs. In my experience, it is not easy to find a school that can work with severe special needs. Engage in a dialogue with the receiving school before accepting the assignment, not after.
    3. Find out who the personnel are who are delivering the special needs services. What are their qualifications? Where were they trained? How long do they expect to be in country – forever, because they live there, or are they also expats who will be moving on one day?
    4. Investigate how services are delivered. Is it a study hall with homework help? Are they teaching learning strategies for overcoming certain needs? Does the school have specialists on staff for extra reading or math help? How often will your child/teen be in the learning support classroom each day or week? How receptive are the other teachers in the school to making accommodations or modifications to the curriculum? Are they cooperative or see working with special needs students as an extra burden?
    5. If your child needs certain medications, will these medications be available at your destination? Certain prescription drugs, for example those that might be used for ADHD, might not be available locally and there are limits to how much can be brought into the country at one time.
    6. What about other therapies? Some students need physical therapy, mental health counseling, occupational therapy, speech and language, etc.  Will these be available through the school or will the family be expected to find these independently in the community? Again, look for the training of those delivering the services and their ability to take on new students or clients.
    7. Some families consider homeschooling to meet their children’s educational needs. If this is an option that your family considers, then investigate how your child might get the socialization that is also crucial to development. In the United States, for example, many homeschoolers find peer groups in their own community, but this homeschooling community may not exist in the country of destination. Also, homeschooling is illegal in some countries, so make sure that this is addressed before you embark on this path.
    8. Will the school you have identified actually accept your child and deliver the services promised at the time of acceptance? I would strongly encourage to get any agreements in writing in order to be sure that everyone is on board with the school acceptance and services needed.
    9. Ask how the school will communicate with you with regards to your child’s goals and progress. In the U.S., public schools write Individualized Education Plans, or IEPs, that define the goals, milestones and methods to achieve those markers. Will the school write some kind of agreement like this? How often will they communicate with you regarding your child’s progress? Will parents be welcome to collaborate with the school or will they be kept at arm’s length?
    10. Finally, if you find that your child’s needs cannot be met at any school in your country of assignment, maybe it would be in your child’s or teen’s best interest to exercise the boarding school option. All children need to be in an accepting, supportive, and encouraging environment where their needs will be met. For a developing adolescent, this becomes even more critical. To not receive this kind of educational environment could significantly impact the adolescent’s opportunities and even desire for post-secondary university or vocational education.

    Rebecca Grappo, M.Ed, is a Certified Educational Planner and the founder of RNG International Educational Consultants, LLC. She and her daughter, Michelle (who is trained as a school psychologist) work with students and families around the world to help them find the right educational setting to meet their children’s needs. This includes placement for all kinds of boarding schools, therapeutic schools and programs, university planning, and planning for post-secondary options for students with special needs. You can learn more about their services at www.rnginternational.com or write them at info@rnginternational.com.

  • 16 Sep 2016 10:26 AM | Anonymous

    Are you an aspiring or established writer, with a passionate curiosity for global family issues? Do you want to develop further? Apply for the Parfitt Pascoe Residency at our upcoming 2017 Conference.

    Each year Parfitt Pascoe Writing Residencies are awarded to four budding writers by providing partial scholarships to the FIGT Conference. The name has been chosen to honour the trailblazing writing work of Expat Expert Robin Pascoe and the ongoing commitment to support new writers of Jo Parfitt of Summertime Publishing.

    The four successful scholars will be selected on merit and receive:

    • Free tuition from Jo Parfitt prior to the conference on how to write articles for the global market and how to place them with publications. This will be conducted by means of an 8-session online course, completed by email, prior to the conference.
    • Free mentoring from Jo Parfitt, a journalist who has specialised in expatriate issues for decades and edited three magazines. Mentoring will occur by Skype prior to conference.
    • Editing of your work prior to publication on the FIGT website, blog and newsletter.
    • Partial scholarships to the conference
    • Publication of your work, with byline, in FIGT media.

    In exchange for subsidized entry, the writing scholars are obliged to provide:

    • Coverage of all FIGT sessions according to the designated format.
    • At least six articles and six blog posts about the conference within a pre-agreed deadline.
    • The provision of the conference coverage text by a pre-agreed deadline.
    A commitment to fulfil obligations.

  • 08 Sep 2016 8:41 AM | Anonymous

    It’s a common misconception that children will simply pick up languages if they’re exposed to them. Author Virginie Raguenaud shares 10 recommendations from childhood bilingualism experts and parents to help families raising bilingual children.

    By Virginie Raguenaud

    Raising a bilingual child—either from birth or after a relocation—is a necessity for many of us with mobile lifestyles. We want to keep family ties intact and share our cultural selves with our children.

    However, it’s a common misconception that children will simply pick up languages if they’re exposed to them. It takes commitment and creativity at home and in our communities for children to learn and, more importantly, maintain two or more languages.

    To help us, here’s a list of 10 recommendations from childhood bilingualism experts and parents who have successfully raised bilingual children.  

    (1) Make our family’s languages relevant to our daily lives.

    The first thing we need to do is to keep speaking our native language daily. “The undeniable need to communicate is sufficient motivation to make a child speak one or more languages, but it is also absolutely indispensable,” writes Traute Taschner, the author of The Sun is Feminine. It’s important for us to use our native language not just during cuddle moments or during scolding sessions, but during fun and varied activities and outings to broaden our children’s vocabulary.

    (2) Be consistent with language choice.

    As Professor Fred Genesee points out, “Young children often react badly to inconsistent or irregular exposure to language; they like consistency. Thus, if parents decide to raise their child bilingual, they should do so only if they can provide continuous and extended exposure to both languages…Children need long term exposure to language if they are to develop full competence.”

    (3) Expose children to a variety of activities in their native language.

    In Bilingual by Choice, I've included a list of 100 activities to do at home and in the community to practice language skills. The idea is to give children opportunities to hear and interact in the native language to build up their confidence and self-esteem, and develop a rich vocabulary.

    (4) Help children find peers who speak the same language.

    Their native language has to be socially relevant for them to keep speaking it. For some families it can mean inviting a close cousin or friend from back home to stay with you during the summer months. Personal relationships provide a way for children to maintain and progress in their native language, but also bring a sense of pride in their cultural background.

    (5) Give children access to books in their native language.

    As Professor Ellen Bialystok writes, "There's a lot of worry out there about other languages conflicting with a child's ability to learn to read in English, but that's absolutely not the case—Parents should not hesitate to share their native language with their children—it's a gift."

    (6) Provide a form of bilingual education to stay bilingual.

    According to Professor Colin Baker, “Bilingual children must be biliterate for their languages to have value, uses, and prospects… Biliteracy aids chances of employment, achievement, and enculturation.”

    (7) Elevate the status of our native languages.

    One bilingual parent and California resident Rey M. Rodriguez writes, “I want my children to be proud of who they are, and to help them, I need a community that signals that Spanish is important in their lives. It amazes me that a two-year old boy can already grasp that English is the dominant language and that Spanish is secondary and less valued.”

    There are more than 60,000,000 of us in the U.S. who speak another language than English at home, so I believe there is strength in numbers.

    (8) Build a strong support network because we can’t do it alone.

    It's important to lean on friends and family, teachers and community leaders who can remind children that bilingualism opens doors. As Professor François Grosjean writes, “Children do not acquire (or only partly acquire) the minority language if there isn’t community or educational support, or other motivational factors that make using the language a natural thing.”

    (9) Promote and reinforce our cultural values with our children.

    Research shows that children have a better chance of growing up bilingual if they have a strong sense of ethnic pride. It’s important for children to be aware of their heritage and active in the traditions of their cultures.

    And last, but not least,

    (10) Help our children successfully integrate their cultural identities.

    As most of you know, the identity development of a soon-to-be bilingual and bicultural child is a complex issue. According to Dugan Romano, the author of Intercultural Marriage, "The secret—to raising bicultural children—appears to lie in the parents' ability to encourage open discussion of the children's mixed heritage, as well as the opportunity given the children to develop positive relationships with both cultural or racial groups."

    Virginie Raguenaud is the author of Bilingual By Choice: Raising Kids in Two (or More!) Languages, published by Intercultural Press. Virginie recently completed her master’s degree in intercultural relations, with a focus on second language acquisition and the identity development of multicultural children. She is raising her ten-year-old twin daughters in French and English.

  • 02 Sep 2016 4:04 AM | Anonymous

    For first time attendees, FIGT has a special Scholarship: the Pollock Scholarship. Winners of this award receive free registration and a small stipend for travel expenses.

    Honoring the memory of David C. Pollock, international educator, minister, sociologist, and co-author of “Third Culture Kids: Growing up Among Worlds,” this scholarship aims to attract, involve and inspire emerging, global-minded, intercultural leaders.

    Attending the FIGT conference is an opportunity to build your network and resources and share your passion. We are looking to support individuals who can contribute to our community of globally mobile families with fresh research, ideas, tools and programs.

    FIGT is known as a warm and welcoming community. Attending one our conferences is a unique opportunity to engage with thought leaders across a broad spectrum of specialties and sectors.

    Learn more see http://figt.org/2017_Scholarship_App

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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