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2016 FIGT Conference - Moving Across Cultures

  • 10 Mar 2016
  • 8:00 AM
  • 12 Mar 2016
  • 5:00 PM
  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands


  • Must be signed in to register as a member.
  • Must be signed in to register as a member.
  • Must be signed in to register as a member.
  • For conference attendees not registered for Friday, March 11, who wish to attend this part of the program.
  • Must be logged into member profile to register as a member. A student is someone attending full time a High School, University or post-graduate school.
  • A student is someone attending full time a High School, University or post-graduate school.
  • Applies to Student Members and Non Members. No early bird rate. A student is defined as someone attending full time a High School, University or post-graduate school.
  • Applies to Student Members and Non Members. No early bird rate. A student is defined as someone attending full time a High School, University or post-graduate school.
  • Applies to Student Members and Non Members. No early bird rate. A student is defined as someone attending full time a High School, University or post-graduate school.

Registration is closed


Registration for the 2016 FIGT Conference is now closed. If you would like to be added to a wait-list, in case there are any cancellations, please email admin@figt.org mentioning the registration type (column on the left) which would be of interest to you.

A huge thank you to everyone who has already registered. We look forward to seeing you at what will be an outstanding conference in Amsterdam.

2016 FIGT Conference

March 10-12, 2016

De Bazel, Amsterdam 

Our theme this year is

Moving Across Cultures: Bringing Empathy and Expertise to the Evolving Global Family


FIGT invites you to join us as we share leading-edge research, expertise and experience from across all sectors of the international community, raising big questions and creating practical tools for global families in all their variations, to challenge how we bring empathy and expertise to the evolving global family. 

The #FIGT16NL conference will be held in historic De Bazel, in Amsterdam, on March 10, 11 and 12.  This beautiful classic building is a wonderful location to showcase the unique blend of research, expertise and personal experiences and stories that makes the FIGT conference so compelling.  

This year’s conference takes place over three full days and features:
  • Over 50 renowned speakers representing all aspects of the expat experience.
  • Thought provoking concurrent sessions.
  • Dynamic, interactive kitchen table conversations.
  • Ignite sessions to spark new ideas!
  • Panel Discussions looking at the big picture issues.
  • Networking with some of the most respected names in expat research, service provision, and cross cultural education.
  • Forums and workshops with successful expat innovators and writers.
  • Dedicated Researchers’, Writers’ and Millennials’ Forums, promoting expertise exchange for interest specific attendees.
  • Author signings and a bookstore brimming with expat centric literature.

Conference Location Address

De Bazel Cafe & Conference Center
Vijzelstraat 32
1017 HL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your conference registration you must do so prior to February 25, 2016. There will be a $50 cancellation fee. After February 25, 2016 FIGT is unable to refund any registration fees. If you are unable to attend the conference and would like to transfer your registration to another attendee, there will be a $50 administrative fee to complete that transaction. Please contact FIGT at admin@figt.org if you have any questions.




Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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