FIGT - Working for Equity
Date: Saturday, September 26, 2020
Time: 9am New York / 2pm London / 3pm Cape Town / 9pm Singapore
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Cost: FREE. Open to all.
Since June, we have been exploring how our community might respond to racism, inequities, disparities, and discrimination around the world. We want to continue the ongoing discussions about these issues, focusing on our experience of the world -within FIGT itself.
‘Conversations for Change’ is a series of virtual discussions, open to all in our community. Each meeting will begin with a short presentation to stimulate our thinking and will then be open for conversation. Our goal is that each discussion will be a starting point for gathering together individuals with a heart to work towards change.
The next Conversation for Change, FIGT - Working for Equity, will take place on Saturday 26th September at 9am New York / 2pm London / 3pm Cape Town / 9pm Singapore and will focus on FIGT and our community. We will reflect on who we are, who we are serving, and the ways we work. We will consider how we could improve to be a more equitable organization.
Dawn Bryan, President of Families in Global Transition and SVP of Global Practice at The Kaleidoscope Group, a full service Diversity and Inclusion Consultancy firm will facilitate the Conversation with Trisha Carter, Secretary of FIGT, organizational psychologist and intercultural specialist.
For those who haven’t yet participated, this is a series of virtual discussions, open to all in our community. Each meeting will begin with a presentation to stimulate our thinking and will then be open for conversation. Our goal is that each discussion will be a starting point for gathering together individuals with a heart to work towards change.
Please note the presentation will be recorded, but the discussion which follows will not.