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2021 FIGT Conference - Embracing and Bridging Differences

  • 12 Mar 2021
  • 11:00 PM
  • 14 Mar 2021
  • 9:00 AM
  • Online (Virtual)


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Our theme: Embracing and Bridging Differences

Welcoming new perspectives to inspire and support people in transition

We look forward to welcoming those who have been impacted by global mobility into the FIGT community at our first ever virtual conference! We are excited about offering an accessible event that embraces people who have experienced the challenges that stem from encountering difference in a variety of ways, those who have experienced and are currently experiencing the paradigm-shift of life transition, and look forward to learning from each other together. 

We are also excited to bring together experts and professionals from all over the world with expertise in various fields connected to global mobility. FIGT is a space in which we are all open to learning for personal, family, community or global growth, success and wellbeing. It is not merely a conference for listening to experts; it is a community which values mutual engagement. Whatever has brought you to FIGT2021, we are delighted you are joining the conversation and look forward to connecting with you both at conference and in the lead-up to the event.

#FIGT2021 will continue to build bridges between communities and sectors as expressed in our mission statement:

“FIGT is a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them. Our mission is to promote cross-sector connections for sharing research and developing best practices that support the growth, success, and well-being of people crossing cultures around the world.”

Child Safeguarding

Conference sessions are tailored for an adult audience. For this reason, and also for reasons of child safety, we're unable to accommodate conference attendees younger than 18 years of age.

Cancellation Policy Before cancelling, keep in mind that your conference registration gives you access to all conference content for six months, even if you are unable to attend the conference. However, if you still need to cancel your conference registration you must do so prior to March 1, 2021. There will be a $10 cancellation fee to cover fees on credit card transactions and administrative costs. After March 1, 2021 FIGT is unable to refund any registration fees. Please contact FIGT at admin@figt.org if you have any questions.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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