3 Simple Things Every Parent Needs To Know To Thrive Abroad
Date: Thursday, June 17, 2021
Time: 12:00 pm AEST (Melbourne)
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Cost: FREE. Open to all.

Raising a family is challenging, doing it in a foreign context can be overwhelming. Yet, we need not succumb to the overwhelm. There are simple strategies that you can apply every day that will not only make your life easier, but will support your family to thrive while living abroad.
Our Speaker, Emily Rogers, Expat Coach at Expat Parenting Abroad:
Emily has lived abroad for over 20 years and combines her personal experience and professional career in Human Resources to provide coaching support for expat mums. Emily helps expat mums to not only get the most out of their experience abroad, but supports them to find meaning in their experience.
Get the Zoom link, register at: melbourne@figt.org