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FIGT ANZA presents interactive talk on Social Cohesion & Cultural Integration

  • 29 Feb 2024
  • 12:00 PM
  • Online (via Zoom)


FIGT ANZA presents interactive talk on Social Cohesion & Cultural Integration

Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024.

Time: 12:00 pm Melbourne, 2:00 pm Auckland, 9:00 am Hong Kong/Singapore.


Cost: FREE for expats and migrants to Australia, New Zealand or anywhere

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the Zoom link. If you can’t join us live the session will be recorded. It is necessary to register in advance to receive the recording link. There will be an unrecorded Q & A session at the end of the webinar for those attending on the day.

Any queries please email: anza@figt.org

FIGT ANZA is proud to present an interactive talk ON A CREATIVE APPROACH TO FOSTER sense of belonging, community participation, CULTURAL INTEGRATION gender equality, and mental health with Trini Abascal Founder and Director at Latin Stories Australia

If you are curious to know more about it, Latin Stories Australia is the leading voice of the Latin American migrant community in Australia. Founded in 2015 it has grown to develop successful initiatives responding to the needs of its communities since 2015. As explained by the founders, two Mexican immigrants, Cristina Abela and Trini Abascal it started as a blog sharing migration stories. However, there was a need to build networks and have a sense of community. The blog led to a series of meaningful and highly successful workshops. “We innovate in the way we deliver our projects. We have used storytelling, photographs and a documentary film as tools to increase multiculturalism and sense of belonging; board-games and theatre to reflect on gender equality and violence against women; well-researched frameworks and art-based cultural techniques to empower women by increasing their sense of belonging, exploration of identity, and inclusion in society. We have also supported our community with several mental health sessions and food relief vouchers.”

Their website lists the following achievements.

* In 2020 we received the prestigious OHTLI award, the maximum honour and acknowledgment that the Mexican Government gives to Mexicans living abroad, for our continuous work for the Mexican and Latin American community in Australia.

*In 2021 we won the Victorian Government Multicultural Awards for Excellence in Community Innovation for our outside-the-box thinking to address the problems faced by our communities and by sharing our culture with a wider audience

*In 2022 our documentary Nuestras Voces won ‘Best Historical film in the Toronto International Women Film Festival’ and ‘Best Feature Film in the Latino Feedback Film Festival.’ Are you part of a migrant community SOMEWHERE looking to grow community? Would you like to know more about the journey and achievements of Latin Stories Australia?

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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