FIGT Connections | Early Bird Conference Discount!
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2015 Conference Sponsors
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Gold Sponsors

Issue: 30
| January 21, 2015 | |
Families in Global Transition is a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them. We promote cross-sector connections for sharing research and developing best practices that support the growth, success and well-being of people crossing cultures around the world.
The excitement is building as we approach the conference. Do read through the entire newsletter to keep up with the latest opportunities at FIGT15.
Join us as we kick off FIGT15 at the opening keynote on March 6th, 2015. Don't miss opening keynote speaker Teja Arboleda! Then stay for the engaging content right through to the closing keynote by Doug Ota!
The FIGT15 Program Committee has planned a rich and substantive invited program. Join experts in the field of transition and related sectors where you can participate in the dialogs on current and relevant topics.
FIGT15 themes explore specific topics in depth through a series of conceptually and developmentally linked sequential sessions. Join in the discussion of important topics with experts in the field by attending all sessions in a strand, or choose one or two that interest you the most! FIGT15 topics include Perspectives, Fundamentals, Relationships, and Applications.
One of the highlights of past FIGT conferences has always been the Kitchen Table format. FIGT15 Kitchen Table Meetings are where you can share your ideas and discuss important topics in these special interactive sessions:
- The struggles to define home long into adulthood in the lives of adult missionary children
- Designing "home" at retirement
- Raising successful bilingual children
- The challenges the global-minded military spouses encounter when navigating within different cultures and defining home around the world
- Home is where the soul connects . . . unlike WIFI, not always automatically
- Changing home is more than a theory
- Home is where the Air Force sends you
- Finding home "again"
- Global belonging and home
- Training teen TCKs: A holistic approach to support learning outcomes
- Finding home before the last boarding call: preparing for aging, sudden disability or caregiving
- I am home now
New on the website - check out the impressive range of concurrent sessions that we will be featuring this year!
Schedule at a glance:
Friday - March 6th, 2015 Pre-conference 12:00 PM - 3:45 PM Research Network 12:00 PM - 3:45 PM Writer's Network 5:30 Welcome Reception and then Keynote Teja Arboleda
Saturday - March 7th 8:00 AM with Early Bird discussions and breakfast A full day of events including Pollock Scholars, Concurrent sessions, Ignite15, Kitchen Table Conversations, Bookstore and Author signings with networking throughout the day we end with a sit-down dinner and engaging panel discussion.
Sunday - March 8th 8:00 AM with Breakfast and Early Bird Discussions Follows with Parfitt Pascoe Resident Writers, Concurrent sessions and recognition of volunteers Closing Keynote with Doug Ota
Give yourself a very special gift in 2015 by joining us at FIGT15. Two breakfasts, two lunches and Saturday's dinner are included, along with ample networking opportunities. Our Early Bird registration ($50 discount) AND hotel early booking discount ($89 plus tax per night) are two more reasons why you should commit to attending this conference now! For full details reserve now here.
FIGT Members receive an additional discount on registration; to find out how to become a member, click here.
Attention Researchers: FIGT Research Panel Opportunity
Looking for an opportunity to share your research at the next FIGT Conference? The FIGT Research Network is organizing a researcher's panel at the FIGT conference in March. This will provide researchers the opportunity to share their research in 15-minute increments moderated by the FIGT Research Network.
Topics can include research on the TCK community including military, missionary, expat, government and other mobile communities and the institutions that serve them. This is a perfect opportunity for those doing masters or doctoral research! To submit a proposal email a one-page summary of your research to by January 25th.
Join the FIGT Research Network!
Interested in research on globally mobile communities? The goal of the FIGT Research Network is to cultivate, support, and disseminate credible and rigorous research pertinent to families in global transition. Through this network, we aim to connect researchers across sectors and disciplines with practitioners. Membership in the FIGT Research Network is free and open to any individual who is committed to engaging in and supporting responsible academic work to further the understandings of mobile communities. Visit or email for more information.
Scholars To Be Announced Shortly!
The David C. Pollock Scholarship pool this year was extremely competitive as 39 candidates, many of whom are TCKs themselves, submitted applications. The applicants come from 19 different countries, and represent all of the major international sectors; military, missions, diplomatic corps, NGOs, business, immigration and refugees. They have offered contributions in research, the arts, family services, logistics and entrepreneurial opportunities for globally mobile families. The scholarship committee walked a tough road narrowing down the field and we are now inviting recipients to the conference. We look forward to announcing the 2015 David C. Pollock Scholars on January 23rd.
Pollock Scholarship Raffle Prize Sponsorship
Each year, FIGT provides several deserving students with The David C. Pollock Scholarship, which provides highly motivated individuals working or studying in the intercultural field the opportunity to attend the FIGT conference. Many of the recipients "pay it forward" by staying involved with FIGT and participating in future conferences as a presenter, sharing research and findings, spurred on by what they have learned at the conference.
Although you or your organization may not be participating as a sponsor for this year's conference, there is an opportunity to sponsor raffle prizes to support the Scholarship Program. With just a modest investment, you will be recognized in all raffle promotional materials, in the program, and during raffle announcements. It's a great way for you and/or your organization to be supportive of FIGT and of our Scholarship Program and to be publicly recognized as a supporter of FIGT. Last year FIGT raised more than $3000 for the Scholarship by raffling $800 worth of Kindle Fires and iPad Minis.
If you are interested in being a raffle prize sponsor, please contact Emily McDermott at
FIGT Board Members are working diligently with outside vendors to update the FIGT Logo and Website. The new Website will be easier to navigate, have streamlined content, but continue to provide a wealth of information on all things important to the FIGT community.
By conference time, be sure to check out FIGT's fresh new look!
The Expatriate Archive Centre (EAC), based in the Netherlands but with a global focus, aims to preserve the life stories of those who have lived temporarily abroad. Their historical collection includes a wide range of writings, diaries, letters, memoirs, photographs, videos, blogs, DVDs and audio recordings about the lives of people far away from home. The main collection now contains more than 130 family archives in nearly 20 different languages.
The EAC is currently focusing on the city in which it is based -- The Hague, the Netherlands -- for a special project. Together with The Municipal Archives of the Hague and the not-for-profit organization ACCESS, the EAC are helping to put together an exhibition provisionally entitled Expat History of The Hague, from 26 October until 14 November 2015 in The Hague City Hall. Have you ever lived in The Hague, or do you know someone who has? If so, don't let your memories gather dust! Your photographs, diary entries, letters or anecdotes describing your impressions of The Hague would be a welcome contribution to the exhibition. The EAC is particularly interested in pieces which are older than 25 years.
Even if you've never lived in The Hague, the EAC preserves stories from all over the world. Where do you keep your mementoes of living abroad? They may be getting damp and fragile in a garage, or dusty and faded in an attic. It's time to take a fresh look at your life story and get in touch with the EAC. You can be reassured that your privacy needs will be respected, that everything will be well cared for in a professional archival environment, and -- once it has been digitalized -- you can request a copy on CD to keep and share with your family. Interested? Contact the EAC by emailing
The 2015 FIGT Conference provides an excellent opportunity for your organization to gain face-to-face exposure with conference attendees, network and mix with key decision-makers who have a genuine interest in supporting families in global transition and demonstrate your involvement, commitment and support of our membership.
Considering sponsorship of the upcoming 2015 FIGT Conference? Here's what one sponsor had to say:
"The recognition we received as an FIGT sponsor was abundant," ArborBridge Associate Director Lisa Helmers reported after attending the conference in Washington, DC. "Unlike trade shows or massive conferences, the intimate setting of FIGT allows for ample interaction between sponsors and attendees. You are absolutely guaranteed high-quality visibility and interested visitors to your table during the conference."
It's not too late to join FIGT's team of exceptional sponsors. More information on sponsorship packages here.
Get a glimpse of how Third Culture Kids view their lives, in their own words and images. The highly anticipated anthology "The World's Within" is now available.
To enjoy a sneak preview of this anthology of writings and artwork from kids under the age of 27 who have grown up globally, check out the book trailer:
Thanks to the generosity of the sponsors, 15 percent of the profits from the sale of "The Worlds Within" will be donated to The FIGT Dave Pollock Scholarship Fund.
Why not buy it as a gift for the professional, parent or TCK in your life, knowing that a portion of the profits support FIGT's scholarship program?
Currently available on Amazon in Kindle format for immediate download, with print copies available to order here.
Find "The Worlds Within" on Facebook:
FIGT Netherlands Affiliate January Meeting The next meeting of the FIGT Netherlands Affiliate takes place on January 30th from 16:30-18:30 at Affiliate Co-Creator Kate Berger's office: MOC building, Lindenlaan 75 1185LC Amstelveen.
The topic will be "Support Elderly Family/Parents as an Expat & Immigrant: Logistical and Psychological Problems." This lecture will pay attention to classical processes like mourning about motherland, adapting to fatherland, enculturation and acculturation that are triggered by the need to care for (sick) Elderly Family/Parents. Dr. Carl Steinmetz will review the Dutch work contract that does not include a solution for these situations. This is, by the way, also absent for Dutch inhabitants who have to rely on a family caregiver (mantelzorger) for their sick or disabled family member or parents. This is an official complaint by the Dutch participation society that is the successor of the welfare state. For more information about Dr. Steinmetz please refer to his website: All attendees are requested to RSVP at
FIGT Boston Affiliate Welcomes You!
The FIGT Boston Affiliate meets every 6-8 weeks in a member's home on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon for wine, cheese, networking, and a lively discussion around cross-cultural issues that impact our lives or work. If you are in the Boston area and would like to know when our next meeting is, you can email Tina Quick at or Anne Copeland at
Also, the FIGT Boston Affiliate has now created a LinkedIn group and welcomes you to join. The FIGT Boston Affiliate LinkedIn group is a place to share innovations, discuss ideas and develop collaborations amongst professionals in the Greater Boston area and beyond, interested in the cross-cultural aspects of global transitions.
FIGT Korea Affiliate Celebrates an Active 2014
It was an exciting year for the FIGT Korea Affiliate as its presence was promoted to the public through the first FIGT seminar in April, to international school counselors in Korea in November, to TCKs in Korea through the regular TCK Network seminars and through its own FaceBook page FIGT Korea.
Shortly after returning from the 2014 FIGT Conference, FIGT Korea Affiliate Chair Isabelle Min received a call from FIGT stalwart and former Board Member Tina Quick of the FIGT Boston Affiliate announcing she would be visiting Korea to run a program at an international school. As result, on April 17th the FIGT Korea Affiliate, together with the Seoul Global Center, organized the "Global Transition & Repatriation Seminar," featuring Tina as its guest speaker and a panel of three young adult TCKs. The event was announced in numerous online communities through SNS and reported by a local English newspaper as well as through FIGT Korea Affiliate's own FaceBook page.
On November 22nd, Isabelle Min was invited to speak on TCK repatriation at the 3rd International School Counselors Conference held at GSIS in Suwon, Korea. The FIGT Korea Affiliate and members of the TCK Network community attended the conference to promote their presence to international school counselors in Korea. In addition to these two special events, TCK Network continued to promote the FIGT Korea Affiliate at its regular monthly seminars in the spring and fall.
For more information about the FIGT Korea Affiliate, check out their page on the FIGT website or contact Isabelle Min at
FIGT Switzerland Affiliate
For information about the FIGT Switzerland Affiliate, check out their page on the FIGT website or contact them at
FIGT UK Affiliate
For information about the FIGT UK Affiliate, check out their page on the FIGT website or contact them at