FIGT Connections | Website Redesign Case Study
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Families in Global Transition is a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them. We promote cross-sector connections for sharing research and developing best practices that support the growth, success and well-being of people crossing cultures around the world.
The company that recently redesigned the FIGT website, Webbright, has featured FIGT as a case study on their website.
The case study, entitled Extreme Website Makeover in Sixteen Days, explains how Webbright, with limited time and budget, helped give the FIGT website an organized, fresh, and modern look right before our annual conference.
Many thanks to Emily McDermott, FIGT's Website Chair, and especially to Webbright's President and Founder, Lamees Abourahma, and the Webbright team for their outstanding work!
JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL FAMILY STUDIES: CALL FOR PAPERS! | |  The new Journal of Cross-Cultural Family Studies (JCCFS) is an electronic, open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal seeking to promote and publish research on the internal dynamics of the family and its relationship to society as affected by its cross-cultural interactions.
The research is multidisciplinary in nature, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, education, and communication. The population studied includes mobile families raising Third Culture Kids (TCKs), expatriates/repatriates in diplomatic service, military, missions, education and corporate sectors, as well as families of immigrants and refugees.Author Guidelines: Authors will submit their proposed article, including a title page with contact information, an Abstract, complete references and any tables or figures. For all matters of style, manuscript submissions should follow the Publication Manual of the APA, 6th edition, 2010. -- Articles are limited to 20 to 25 page submissions, including abstract and references.
-- Book Reviews should be 2,000 words or less, and full bibliographic information should be provided.
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 As Parfitt Pascoe Writers in Residence for FIGT, Beth Hoban, Lauren Owen, Lauren Power, and Taylor Murray share a common goal: a passion to improve the live of expat families through writing. In this issue of the FIGT Connections newsletter, along with two prior issues and one more, each PPWR shares their reflections from FIGT15. This issue features Lauren Power: When I accepted the Parfitt/Pascoe Writing Resident scholarship in late 2014, I was excited to embark on a journey of development as a writer with my fellow scholars. Jo Parfitt's course on writing helped hone our skills in article writing and publishing, specifically for an international and/or expat audience. Each scholar brought her own expertise and level of experience to the course, which enriched our peer review process and exchange of ideas. By the time the conference arrived, we all felt confident in our abilities to cover our assigned sessions and produce engaging articles and content for FIGT. But I must admit nothing could have prepared me for the personal impact the conference had on me.As I attended the sessions and spoke to my fellow attendees, I discovered words that I had been searching for to describe myself: ATCK, global nomad, and so on. I felt an immediate kinship with people I had never met before. At FIGT, everyone wanted to hear each other's stories, and every story was met with knowing smiles and empathetic eyes.In my professional life, I attend conferences on a weekly basis. FIGT was a completely unique experience for me. I cherish the contacts I made even more than the content I recorded. I am delighted at the innovation going on through FIGT, its members, and its affiliates, and I am honored to be able to showcase this work through my writing.-- Lauren S. Power is an independent writer, researcher, ATCK, and global nomad based in Singapore. She has lived in the USA, the UK, and Japan. Find out more about Lauren at
Are you already an FIGT Member? We want to thank you for your support and you deserve a round of applause! You have joined a community of members who impact each other's careers and projects, share visionary resources, make life-long connections, and actively engage in FIGT's mission to advance global family support. During your time as a member, hopefully you have attended the conferences; taken advantage of our numerous offerings; and have lived the FIGT experience. At FIGT, we want to include future members in our community and welcome them to join us. You are enjoying your FIGT experience, why not share your experience with others? Please spread the word to help us grow. The different membership categories offer something for each and every taste. If you know someone who might want to join as an Individual, Organization or Student, help us share the membership categories: · Individual Membership: For individuals from the global community actively involved in empowering globally mobile expats, families, and those working with them. As an individual member you receive a US$100 discount on regular conference registration.
· Organization Membership: For companies or organizations interested in supporting and promoting FIGT's mission and activities. Up to 3 employees/members receive full membership benefits, currently including US$100 discount per person on regular conference registration.
· Student Membership: For full-time students at the undergraduate or graduate level, engaged in research and/or a career in global mobility. Student members receive a US$50 discount on student conference registration.
Ever wonder how an FIGT Affiliate is created? In every instance, they are the result of the inspiration, hard work and relentless networking efforts on the part of dedicated FIGT members. Here's how our most recent Affiliate in The Netherlands came to be: With so many international organizations, businesses and institutions operating locally, FIGT NL draws individuals with tremendous insight, knowledge, and passion for all-things-in-global-transition, so it was truly just a matter of time before The Netherlands FIGT Affiliate was born!
After the 2014 FIGT conference, Kate Berger (MSc, Child & Adolescent Psychologist and founder/director of The Expat Kids Club) was up in the clouds of inspiration and envisioned an affiliate in Holland where network contacts could come together to discuss relevant issues and support one another professionally, as well as personally. Soon the coffee meetings were all over the calendar. Quick to come on board were Kristine Racine (MA, Executive Director of the Expatriate Archive Centre located in The Hague), with her insight about running a non-profit and a range of expatriate-related topics, and Vivian Chiona (MSc, Psychologist & Counsellor and founder/director of Expat Nest), with her compassion for supporting expatriates and superb attention to detail.
Now still in its infancy, FIGT NL has over 90 people on the mailing list, and that number is growing steadily! We have a fabulous line-up for our June 5th meeting (with Anne Parker and Diane Lemieux as featured speakers discussing their book, The Mobile Life). You may have heard that 2016 is going to be a busy year for us: FIGT is bringing their global conference to The Netherlands, so we will be working hard to get the word out for a large turnout from NL and beyond.
If you are interested in our FIGT NL affiliate, would like to attend our meetings, be on our mailing list, or have an idea for a meeting-theme or speaker, please get in touch! We'd love to hear from you so please email us at
FIGT Boston Affiliate
The FIGT Boston Affiliate meets every 6-8 weeks in a member's home on a weekend afternoon for wine, cheese, networking, and a lively discussion around cross-cultural issues that impact our lives or work. If you are in the Boston area and would like to know when our next meeting is, you can email Tina Quick at or Anne Copeland at
Also, the FIGT Boston Affiliate has now created a LinkedIn group and welcomes you to join. The FIGT Boston Affiliate LinkedIn Group is a place to share innovations, discuss ideas and develop collaborations amongst professionals in the Greater Boston area and beyond interested in the cross-cultural aspects of global transitions.
FIGT Korea Affiliate
Throughout the year, the FIGT Korea Affiliate organizes monthly meetings to support TCKs and expat families in Korea. For more information on the upcoming meeting, visit For more information about the FIGT Korea Affiliate, check out their page on the FIGT website or contact Isabelle Min at
FIGT Netherlands Affiliate
The FIGT NL Affiliate was excited to learn that next year's conference will take place in The Netherlands. They are thrilled #FIGT16NL is heading their way! The next Affiliate meeting is scheduled for June 5th, 2015, featuring Anne Parker and Diane Lemieux discussing their book, The Mobile Life.
For more information about the FIGT Netherlands Affiliate, read the article above and check out their page on the FIGT website or contact Co-Creators Kate Berger, Kristine Racina or Vivian Chiona at
FIGT Switzerland Affiliate
For information about the FIGT Switzerland Affiliate, check out their page on the FIGT website or contact them at
FIGT UK Affiliate
We are sad to share that Claire Snowden and Wendy Wilson have resigned as FIGT UK Affiliate Co-Chairs and have chosen to dissolve the FIGT UK Affiliate, effective April 1.
Since 2011, Wendy and Claire have been great supporters of the work of our organization and have opened many doors for FIGT's mission to become recognized in the UK.
On behalf of FIGT, we would like to honor Wendy and Claire for their contributions to the field of global family support, and we wish them only the best in their future endeavors.
For their message to the membership, click here.