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Gold Sponsor International Family Law Group

08 Feb 2019 11:28 AM | Anonymous

Families in Global Transitions is pleased to announce that our longtime senior-level supporter, the International Family Law Group, is once again returning this year as a Gold Sponsor.

For the past several years, IFLG Partners David Hodson and Lucy Greenwood have been active members and participants in FIGT: sponsoring our annual conferences where they stay abreast of the topics, trends, and research affecting people living across cultures; getting to know fellow attendees and what is happening in their expatriate/cross-cultural communities; presenting on international family legal issues; and, when travel opportunities allow, speaking at FIGT Affiliate events.

IFLG’s mission is to inform, educate and advise families about complex international family law matters so that they can be aware of and better prepare for the potential legal implications of international moves should relationships run into difficulties. Their work covers all legal aspects of complicated personal relationships and family breakdown from marital agreements, including jurisdiction, divorce, finances and post-divorce financial claims, recognition of marriages and divorces granted in different countries, enforcement of orders abroad, child arrangements, court orders for moving abroad when one parent does not provide consent, paternity declarations, child abduction, adoption, surrogacy, and more.

With their stature in the international family law arena, IFLG can build tailored packages of professional advice for their clients wherever and whenever needed. “We have a considerable international contact base in this regard,” David explains. “We travel to conferences abroad and are frequently invited to lecture on international family law topics. This also enables us to keep abreast of family law developments and trends around the world.”

So why does IFLG continue to sponsor the FIGT organization? David and Lucy offer three compelling reasons, the first of which is that FIGT’s families and those whom they know in the international community are their target audience and primary clients.

Secondly, Lucy believes sponsoring “shows our client base and beyond that we are mindful of tailoring our work to international families' needs. The number of clients and other professionals with international lifestyles, whom I mention FIGT to, is growing and they are all receptive and thankful to hearing about the organisation and to know that there is a resource where they can learn about the experiences of others who have lived through similar scenarios.”

Finally, for IFLG it comes back to the vision and belief which caused them to set up their practice. As David notes, “We are a major player in the international family community, and being such a major player carries responsibilities, which means encouraging those working and supporting that community.”

Welcome back David, Lucy and the entire team at IFLG!

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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