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David C. Pollock Scholar 2020: Karla Fraser

29 Jan 2020 3:55 AM | Anonymous

Meet Karla Fraser, a 2020 Pollock Scholar: An ATCK, global educator, and entrepreneur, Karla is committed to promoting awareness of the increasingly globally mobile diaspora of black and brown people and supporting international students transition to universities abroad.

Karla A. Fraser is an adult TCK, expat, global educator, international higher education professional, educational consultant, expat career coach, and entrepreneur. Karla has lived in six countries (USA, Jamaica, United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Commonwealth of Dominica, and Singapore) and has traveled to 45+ others.

In 2019, she founded Roseapple Global, LLC, which provides expat coaching and student administration consulting services. Inspired by her life experiences as a TCK, global work experiences and travels, Karla wants to help others achieve their goals of expat living.

How did you hear about FIGT and what inspired you to apply for the Scholarship?

I learned about FIGT from a former Board Member and colleague in the higher education field. 

I submitted a program session proposal for FIGT2020 and applied for the scholarship at the same time. I recently started my own business. As I am still getting my feet under me, I thought the scholarship would provide me the support I needed to attend and present at the conference, thereby allowing me to access and build a new network in the global mobility sphere.

What are your areas of interest/expertise related to global mobility? 

I want to promote awareness of the global mobility growth within the diaspora of black and brown people. I seek to connect and educate colleagues about the need for greater inclusion in study/education aboard, as well as to prepare and guide those with the desire to become expats so they have an enjoyable journey.

I am a university administrator with expertise in student development and services. I enjoy working both with students and in handling the administrative and operational aspects of student life. I also assist higher education professionals seeking to transition into international higher education through expat career coaching. 

How did you get into this field? Why are you passionate about it/why is it important to you?

As a graduate student, I had a graduate assistantship in student housing, which introduced me to the field of student affairs and student services. Twenty years later and with work experience in five countries, I am driven by the tangible and intangible opportunities—via conversation, programs, or classroom teaching. My purpose is to shape the next generation of leaders in all fields. 

Being an educator transformed my life. Education, especially of young women, can impact the prosperity of the family, community, and even a country. As a woman and an educator, I want to do what I can, even in a small capacity, to change how we innovate for the future.

What does inclusion and diversity mean to you? Why is it important?

It means taking the needed steps to understand your prejudices, bias, privilege, and gaps.  Once one attains this level of personal awareness, then it means being conscientious about not projecting one’s prejudices or bias on others, particularly in the context of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and age. 

It also means that, if you are in a place/position of privilege, being cognizant of who is not at the table or does not have a voice in the conversation. Who or what perspective is missing in decision-making discussions? 

In addition, it means: do not presume that one person can speak for an entire diaspora on any diversity or inclusive topic. The individual brings their experience and viewpoint to the table and, in some cases, can also present trends or research. This is important because knowledge can improve understanding, which can hopefully lead to increased humanity and respect for all.

Please give us a sneak preview of what you’ll be talking about at FIGT2020.

During my segment of the Pollock Scholars’ Morning Forum, I will talk about the need for international higher education professionals.

What do you look forward to at FIGT2020 in Bangkok?

I look forward to insightful dialogue around TCK and ATCKs topics while networking with like-minded colleagues across sectors.

Finally: Can you share a random piece of info about yourself please?

I have a passion for travel, especially combining the beach with historical sites. My goal is to have the number of countries I visit match or exceed my present age.

ALSO: Read Karla’s full bio and learn about the other 2020 Scholars

Every year, the David C. Pollock Scholarship brings new voices to the FIGT conference and it's kept alive with your support. If you will be at FIGT2020, we hope many of you will participate in the 2020 Lucky Draw!

We are also happily accepting donations such as books, coaching sessions, and workshops. The Lucky Draw provides a great platform for people to hear about your services and raises funds to continue the Pollock Scholar Legacy. Please contact Matilda Criel-Ewoldt, Scholarship Chair, for further information at scholarship@figt.org.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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