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Keeping Connected in Challenging Times

02 Apr 2020 6:49 AM | Anonymous

We may feel alone in these extraordinary times but are lucky our world is well connected and hugely supportive. 

You don’t need to look far for resources, support and open doors in challenging times like this. All around the world, we are all daily appreciating connectivity and technology. 

You can work out in your living room if you’re willing to move a bit of furniture. You can chat with your distant relatives if you have time to schedule it into the week alongside schoolwork, housework and paid work.

If you are home-schooling, there is a plethora of resources out there. Here, setting a schedule and employing a level of flexibility is key. These days will remain in our minds for a long time, and our children will remember them vividly. So let’s give them things to look back on fondly. 

As a community of people who thrive on new experiences and the challenge of immersing ourselves in new situations and cultures, being told we must stay at home can affect us in ways we had not envisaged. We have been described as ‘stimulus junkies’ and at times like this, we may feel particularly lethargic and uninspired. Or for some of us, the global lockdown may have brought home just how vulnerable we are to circumstances and location. 

Especially when we think of the medical personnel, those who have had to flee civil war, those working for non-compliant employers…all those who are facing particularly tough challenges, it can feel as if things won’t be quite the same when we are out and about again. 

So, be easy on yourselves and remember that you’re not alone: everyone across the world is feeling the effects of this virus. Enjoy slowing down, building resilience, feeling yourself adapt to the current reality and looking forward to restrictions being lifted!

While the restrictions continue, please make the most of the amazing resources that our online community has to share. FIGT is the perfect community in which to find connection, support and gratitude.

Stay connected

FIGT Members Facebook group

The members-only group on Facebook offers a place for members to connect and chat. Thank you to all the FIGT Members who have shared relevant resources in our group. Please continue to share!

If you’re an FIGT Member and are not yet in the FIGT members FB group, please send a ‘join’ request.

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Other resources recommended by FIGT Members

  • Future Learn: Online courses

  • JSTOR: A great resource for academic researchers, JSTOR is expanding free access during COVID-19.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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