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September FIGT Focus: Kindness

04 Sep 2020 2:14 AM | Anonymous

The FIGT Focus for September 2020 is kindness. Now, more than ever, we need to be kind to ourselves, before we can be kind to others.

Title of the blog. FIGT Focus September 2020 Kindness

This has been an extraordinary year. We know that many in our community and beyond are struggling and hurting. There are families who are separated; who are stuck geographically, emotionally, and psychologically as a result of the pandemic. There is uncertainty in our lives like never before.

This year more than ever we also know that there are many who live with the daily impact of prejudice and bias. There are hard and difficult conversations that we all need to have.

In the face of this, focusing on kindness might seem a little insignificant. Sometimes, kindness is perceived in the same way the word “nice” is in the English language—rather bland and wishy-washy.

But kindness is more than that.

Kindness is something active. Kindness brings change.

It’s intentional, practiced, and heartfelt. It is driven by a care for and a desire to give to others, often before ourselves.

In drawing on our resources to deal with everything this year has thrown at us so far, there’s a danger that our emotional reserves become so depleted that thinking of ways to be kind to others might seem beyond our reach.

So this month, let's remember, as Cath Brew from Drawn to a Story points out:

The 'i' in kindness isn't silent. You matter too.

The “I” in kindness isn’t silent.

When it comes to being kind, you matter too.

Show yourself some generosity of spirit this month. Check on your own wellbeing, find a way to refuel. As travel has taught us, you need to put on your own oxygen mask first.

Because if we want a kinder world for everyone, then the “I” in kindness cannot be silent.

We need to have strength to be kind to others.

Our voices need to be heard, in our family, in our community, our workplace. Because to be kind drives change, for you and those around you. You and your actions matter too.

This month we will be sharing some practical ways to be kind to yourself, some thoughts on kindness within a family, and what it means to be kind in our community.

We will also be talking about how we move forward as a community in terms of equity and inclusion in our next “Conversation for Change.”

We hope you’ll join us.

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To access the content (other than the above two webinars, which are open to all):
Please join us on FacebookLinkedIn, or Twitter. Video content will be available for the month and then archived to the members’ only section of this website.

If you would like to add your voice to this conversation, please contact Sarah at social-lead@figt.org

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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