Taking Your Child with Special Needs Overseas:
What to Know Before You Go
Facilitator: Rebecca Grappo founder of RNG International Educational Consultants
Tuesday, December 8, 2015 12:00 PM EDT, 5:00 PM UCT/GMT
About the Webinar
Taking your child with special education needs overseas is challenging, and parents need to be aware of the landscape of special education services at the destination’s schools before they make the final decision to accept a foreign assignment. It is critically important to have a thorough understanding of the student’s learning requirements, the recommendations for meeting those requirements, and the school’s ability to deliver the required services.
As a parent you need to know how to effectively advocate for your child and also recognize when it might be in your child’s best interest to find alternative paths to fulfill his or her educational needs. Rebecca will explore these issues in greater detail and give some concrete suggestions on how you can best prepare for an international assignment.
This webinar is for parents, teachers, school counselors, educational consultants and anyone else interested in learning more about how to best support special needs children and their families in times of international and domestic transitions.
Registration for members is free. Non-members may register for $30 USD. Get a full refund of your webinar fee if you sign up for membership no later than December 15, 2015.
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