Presented by Tatyana Fertelmeyster
Monday, September 9, 2013 12:30 PM EDT, 9:30 AM PDT, 5:30 PM BST,
About the Webinar
The art of successful cultural integration calls for maintaining integrity of personal identity while striving for deep understanding and appreciation of changing cultural environments and having productive skills for bridging cultural gaps. The main goal of this webinar is to offer participants best practices for developing and strengthening their own and/or their clients’ individual effectiveness in approaching global transitions and creating real rather than illusionary closeness through integrating personal and cultural values. Cultural Detective® as a training, coaching, and personal growth and development methodology offers practical tools to do just that. Innovative approaches offered in this webinar will be applicable to a wide variety of people from refugees to global executives and their families.
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About the Presenter
Tatyana Fertelmeyster, founder and principal of Connecting Differences is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in Intercultural Communication, Diversity and Inclusion. Her unique technique of Spontaneous Facilitation allows her to work with individuals and groups with maximum concentration on the reality of the present moment. She leads her clients in arriving at deeper levels of insight and the development of practical and sustainable skills. A faculty at the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communications in Portland, OR, Tatyana teaches experiential facilitation skills and methods for identity exploration. She is a past president of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR-USA). Tatyana is a co-author of the Russian version of a training tool Cultural Detective™. She is a Master Trainer of Facilitators for the Cultural Detective™ model. Tatyana received an MA in Journalism from Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) and an MA in Guidance and Counseling from Northeastern Illinois University.
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