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- Poster Sessions are new this year and designed to display ideas worth spreading. The posters will be displayed during all three days, with time set aside for the presenter to be in attendance for questions and discussion. Or seek them out during the conference for a one-on-one conversation.
Poster Sessions |
Saturday, March 10, 2018 | 11:00 - 11:30 |
Where Do I Fit? – Examining cultural paradox
Donnyale Ambrosine
This Poster Series provides a dynamic, artistic, visual view of the many layers of diverse individuals and families, and their intersectionality within globally mobile populations. This presentation also considers the future of globally mobile lives while examining the past 20-plus years of individuals and our growing cultural complexity in the 21st century. Graphically stunning and deciphering complex data into bite-sized visual morsels for immediate consumption, it will help create understanding of real people who traverse our global, mobile, and culturally complex landscape.
A Qualitative Study of Repatriate Adjustment in Corporate Assignees, and Their Use of HR Support Practices and Individual Coping Strategies
Janet Botcherby
The poster presents research from an MSc dissertation in International Human Resources Management completed in 2016. Studies show between a quarter and a third of repatriates leave their organizations within one year of returning. This impacts the growth, success, well-being, and relationships of returnees. It also affects organizations who lose the value of the talent, knowledge, social capital, and experience of their global employees. Recommendations are made for HR professionals on best practices in re-entry support for returnees and their families. This is a practical solution to support individuals from diverse sectors to cope with the challenges of adjusting and reintegrating to their future lives back "home."
The Anatomy of A Well-Executed Transition or Repatriation
Doreen Cumberford
The poster session will explain in more detail the study, the process and participants in the survey. Doreen will answer questions about why they did the survey and the poster together with the highlights of what became evident from the survey.
Objects of Reflection: Symbols and self integration of the highly mobile
Rebecca Grace Hill
This poster examines some losses that occur as a result of high mobility and explores how important objects can be used to mitigate the negative effects of high mobility. Those who are highly mobile potentially experience material losses, social losses, structural losses and location losses, while having these losses themselves be disenfranchised, or the grieving process rushed. This study provides a review of ways in which physical objects can provide space and time for people to heal, through reminding them of essential relationships, memories, and places in their lives. This, in turn, can facilitate self-integration, and meaning-making, and ultimately promote wellbeing.
Dual Career Couples: Double moves, double opportunities?
Elisabetta Iberni
Finding a job in the same location is a significant issue for an increasing number of women and men working in international organizations and industrial companies. When both partners decide to continue keeping their job in two different locations, the family relationships face a series of challenges, at the relational, cultural and social level. Communication, security, and power are crucial aspects that can lead to positive and successful developments of this difficult choice. Drawing on ideas from the psychodynamic and systemic theories, the study aims to highlight different aspects of this experience for both men and women, also exploring the impact that the social dimension can have on the relationship.
An Ethnographic Study of Kikokushijo (returnee) Students in a Freshman English Language Class in a Japanese University
Aiko Minematsu
In an ever-more-globalizing world, it is becoming more difficult to define who TCKs and CCKs are. Similarly, "kikokushijo," a term for children of Japanese expats who have returned to Japan, has become more various and complex in its definition, identification, and indexicality. This study aims to depict such complexity by telling the stories of three kikokushijo in a language classroom in a Japanese university through an ethnographic lens. Based on observations of how the participants use English and Japanese in an English-language classroom, field notes of the school and interviews with participants, the study seeks to explore the diversity of kikokushijo, thereby adding to the discussion of what the terms TCK and CCK entail.