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#FIGTmember moment: Member's Group & Sir Mark Moody's Keynote Now Available

10 Aug 2018 10:50 AM | Anonymous

A new monthly message from our Membership Chair: for members & non-members alike. An opportunity to remind the community of the treasure of resources, solutions and opportunities this broader community has to offer.

Before I share this months’ #FIGTmember moment ….how excited are you about the announcement made regarding #FIGT2019? I for one, am already looking forward to the excitement of a new location, the new discussions which will no doubt result and of course, hoping as many of those I have connected with in the past - at conferences or online - will be there too.

As exciting and important as our annual conference is, we know, as Board members that not everyone can attend. This was in part one of the reasons a new membership strategy was launched in The Hague at #FIGT18. We wanted to extend the dynamics of the connections made between people drawn to FIGT year round - to those who are able to attend a conference, as well as those who are not able. 

We reduced our annual membership to make FIGT more accessible; we introduced the Public Directory for organisations, international schools, small businesses and non-profits to be available as resources to all (member as well as non-member) and we have opened a group on Facebook for our members who are on Facebook. To date our groups on FB have either been conference or theme related - but we want to invite all to the discussion - regardless of whether or not they have attended a conference. So, if you are a member but have not yet asked to join the FIGT Members Facebook group, please do so. 

All our members are welcome to join and share who they are, what they are doing, call for help for resources as they move, arrive to of leave from a location.

We appreciate not everyone is on Facebook, so to those who are not, please take advantage of the Members Only section of our website, where you can also reach out to fellow members with a question, suggestion or conversation. And, less active - but with intentions to grow - we are also on LinkedIn - as a page and a group.

Rest assured, as is our practice, a Conference Group will be opened for 2019 Conference attendees as soon as conference registration opens.

Two final reminders to our current members:

Are you listed in the Public Directory? DO take a moment to ensure your profile is updated and complete. You can do so by logging in. Having difficulty? Get in touch with Judy, our Administrator who would be happy to help uploading your profile picture or logo.

Take a look & listen: Sir Mark Moody-Stuarts’ Keynote presentation at #FIGT18 is now available. This keynote presentation resulted in much discussion, and debate - about corporates being at the FIGT ‘table’: should they?, why?, what could they bring to the discussion or take from the experience? Sir Mark’s Keynote address is now available to all our Members.

Lastly, interested in becoming an FIGT Member? We did announce a new, more accessible fee structure and categories at #FIGT18 which you can read about here.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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