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A showcase of FIGT Members' written work, focusing on the issues we study, the best practices we share, and the strategies we provide to support expatriates and cross cultural individuals and their families. Contributions are a privilege for Small Business and Corporate membership levels only and you can submit up to 3 posts per year. Please use our online form below to submit a blog for consideration or contact blogeditor@figt.org.

  • 13 Feb 2021 11:07 AM | Anonymous

    Families in Global Transition is excited to shine the Sponsor Spotlight on Silver Sponsor American Psychologist.

    American Psychologist / Burdick Psychological and Placement Services, led by founder and adult Third Culture Kid Dr. Mark Burdick, is a family-based, concierge psychological services provider, consultancy, and education and treatment placement agency. 

    A dual-credentialed educational and licensed psychologist in the US, Mark also serves in the capacity of EU Agent and Independent Educational Consultant touring and regularly communicating with schools/programs domestically and internationally, and is also a UK Chartered Psychologist. 

    Mark is joined in sponsoring by Steven DeMille, Ph.D. LCMHC, a colleague and Executive Director of RedCliff Ascent. Steven specializes in wilderness-based family therapy and has contributed a chapter on the its practical use in Family Therapy with Adolescents in Residential Treatment.

    “Whether it’s for assessment and expert recommendation for treatment or education, we’ve been providing solutions to expats for over 30 years,” Mark says. “American Psychologist travels the globe to help support expat families at risk, including with one of our unique services of addiction support.” 

    Check out the American Psychologist Sponsor Spotlight video!

    FIGT is honored to welcome back Mark, Steven, and American Psychologist as a returning Silver sponsor, and look forward to seeing them in March at #FIGT2021.

    FIGT is grateful to have incredible sponsors who understand the experiences and needs of the globally mobile community. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please visit our sponsorship page.

  • 12 Feb 2021 3:45 PM | Anonymous

    Families in Global Transition is thrilled to shine the Sponsor Spotlight on Silver Sponsor Special Education Network & Inclusion Association (SENIA).

    SENIA International ‒ the Special Education Network & Inclusion Association ‒ is a global organization of educators, professionals, and parents. Their mission? To advocate for and provide resources and support for differently abled individuals. 

    “We bridge together families who are moving overseas to inclusive schools in their countries,” said Lori Boll, SENIA’s Executive Director. “Moving countries is difficult, and moving countries with a child with special learning needs is incredibly hard. SENIA can help support these families.”

    “Our vision is to live in an inclusive world where every individual is supported, resources are accessible, potential is maximized, and action is inspired.”

    Check out the SENIA International Sponsor Spotlight video!

    FIGT is honored to welcome back Lori and SENIA International as a returning Silver sponsor, and look forward to seeing them in March at #FIGT2021.

    FIGT is grateful to have incredible sponsors who understand the experiences and needs of the globally mobile community. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please visit our sponsorship page.

  • 08 Feb 2021 2:03 AM | Anonymous

    Families in Global Transition is thrilled to shine the Sponsor Spotlight on Gold Sponsor CrossBorder Living Institute.

    Crossborder Living Institute is FIGT Gold Sponsor

    Several years ago, Jennifer Patterson realized more needed to be done to help educate and guide those living and working across cultures and the financial practitioners who support them. 

    Jennifer, who has lived abroad more than half her life, and her dual-national husband Jeff know the subject matter firsthand: they have raised two tri-national children while working for Patterson Partners, their advisory firm for international clients.

    A longtime member and Gold Sponsor of FIGT, Jennifer created CrossBorder Living Institute with two aims in mind. 

    The first is to teach cross-border technical and practice-related topics to financial practitioners who support globally mobile people.

    The second is to provide events and training for the globally mobile to create, grow and manage their financial assets — regardless of how much or how few — in a way that best supports how they want to live.

    Check out the CrossBorder Living Institute Sponsor Spotlight video!

    FIGT is honored to welcome Jennifer and CrossBorder Living Institute back as our returning Gold sponsor, and look forward to seeing her in March at FIGT2021.


    FIGT is grateful to have incredible sponsors who understand the experiences and needs of the globally mobile community. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please visit our sponsorship page.

  • 04 Feb 2021 1:55 AM | Anonymous

    Families in Global Transition is thrilled to shine the Sponsor Spotlight on Platinum Sponsor Summertime Publishing.

    FIGT Platinum sponsor Summertime Publishing and Springtime Books

    Summertime Publishing was created by longtime FIGT member, supporter, and current Platinum Sponsor Jo Parfitt in 1997 as a way to get books by and for expatriates to print. 

    One of the earliest was her own Career in Your Suitcase, leading the way in books about portable careers. While authoring 30+ additional books, Jo has taught writing to many, helping to publish over 300 authors. 

    Today Summertime specializes in books “by and for people living abroad, with a particular emphasis on Third Culture Kids (TCKs) and issues affecting the global family.” 

    Check out the Summertime Publishing Sponsor Spotlight video!

    FIGT is honored to welcome Jo and Summertime Publishing back as our returning Platinum sponsor, and look forward to seeing her in March at FIGT2021.


    FIGT is grateful to have incredible sponsors who understand the experiences and needs of the globally mobile community. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please visit our sponsorship page.

  • 19 Jan 2021 5:25 AM | Anonymous

    Hailing from South Africa and now settled in Germany, Melanie Wilcocks had to learn how to deal with the cold northern European winters. Melanie will be running the show behind the scenes as FIGT Operations Lead.

    Photo of FIGT's new Operations Lead, Melanie Wilcocks, with decorative images of a horse, paper clips, and a notebook. 

    Please tell us a bit about yourself.

    My name is Melanie Wilcocks. I am a South African and currently live in a small village close to Munich in Germany with my husband, son, and a few pets. Together we have experienced China, The Netherlands, and eventually decided to settle in Germany.

    I have been a business analyst for most of my working career. It always gave me great joy to better businesses and people’s lives by enhancing and streamlining processes and systems.

    Can you please briefly describe what the Operations Lead does?

    The Operations Lead works behind the scenes in FIGT, supporting the FIGT Board and committees in running all aspects of the organization.

    What interested you in FIGT and inspired you to take on this role?

    As we moved across the globe, we experienced the frustrations, struggles, challenges, and joys of being an internationally mobile family. Doing this without the security of a support structure or an area to go to when looking for information was quite a daunting and sometimes lonely.

    When I came to the point where I felt that we as a family have sufficiently settled in Germany — understanding the culture, speaking the language — I knew that I wanted to go back to work again. But this time I wanted to work for an organization that helps others — others that are experiencing what we have experienced.

    When the position at FIGT became available, it was clear to me that this was the organization I wanted to work for — because if I had known and had access to the resources and information that FIGT provides when we first moved, I would have had a much better understanding and resources to support my family through our transitions.

    Because I am quite a shy person, this behind-the-scenes role was even more appealing to me.

    What are you looking forward to in your new role?

    I am looking forward to being part of a truly international team and to use my skills that I have built throughout my career to serve others.

    Your favorite thing about being a part of FIGT?

    I am quite new to FIGT, but even in the past few months dealing with FIGT, I have quickly come to learn that FIGT is a welcoming, friendly, and nonjudgmental organization — no matter where you come from, where you live, or even which accent you have.

    This is a wonderful feeling because, as many of us know and probably have experienced firsthand, most of the work when moving abroad from culture to culture or country to country goes into trying to fit in or being accepted.

    Can you share some random pieces of info about yourself?

    1. One of my hobbies is horse riding. I had to leave my horse behind in South Africa when we moved and would love to return to the sport again.
    2. My favorite German word is Eichhörnchen — because it’s so difficult to pronounce as it contains almost all the different sounds one might make in the German language. This word means squirrel.
    3. Arriving in the Netherlands in December (winter) from a very sunny summertime in South Africa was naturally quite a shock and, as a South African, I had no idea how to deal with the ice and cold weather in Europe. The day before our furniture arrived in January (after spending Christmas in our new home with beds on the floor and basic furniture borrowed from neighbors) I decided that a good clean of the house would be in order. With this in mind, I decided that the outside patio also needed to be washed. What I did not know is that instead of washing, I would create a frozen layer of ice on the patio that lasted the whole winter. It was so slippery that none of us could go out the patio door without falling until March!


    Please share some words of wisdom for FIGT members and globally mobile people in general.

    Don’t be too hard on yourself, your spouse, or your children. Being globally mobile (as exciting as it can be) can also be hard. Sometimes in the silent wings behind the stage, don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek support, everywhere and as often as you need.

    Always be proud of your culture, where you come from and where you have been. No one has a story exactly the same as yours — you are unique!

    Thank you Melanie, and welcome to the FIGT team!

  • 07 Jan 2021 11:59 PM | Anonymous

    Registration is now open for Families in Global Transition’s first virtual conference.

    FIGT Virtual Conference 12-14 March 2021, Embracing & bridging differences. Registration now open!

    FIGT2021 - Embracing & Bridging Differences will take place across multiple timezones over 12-14 March 2021. You can read more about our theme and view the full conference program here.

    The conference registration fee is US$89 and includes:

    • Three live conference sessions, each four hours long, across 12-14 March. 

      At least two of the conference’s four-hour sessions should fall into your timezone.

    • Networking and social opportunities with participants and presenters throughout the weekend
    • A range of online events in the week before the conference
    • Access to all conference content for six months after the event

    All of this will be available on one easy-to-use online platform.

    Some conference presentations will be pre-recorded, with presenters available for live Q&A sessions online after their presentation has been shown.

    We look forward to connecting with you there!


    Register button

    To stay up to date with the latest conference news, follow us on FacebookTwitter and Linkedin, and subscribe to our newsletter.

  • 20 Nov 2020 3:17 AM | Anonymous

    The driving force behind FIGT’s social media presence for the last two years, animal-lover Sarah Black is FIGT’s new Communications Co-Director. Having started her expat journey relatively late, she reassures us that it’s never too late to do what you want to do!

    Blog title: Sarah Black is FIGT's new Communications Co-Director

    Can you briefly describe your FIGT role?

    I’m Co-Director for Communications. I am fortunate to share this role with Flor Breton-Garcia. Together we are responsible for FIGT’s internal and external communications.

    What inspired you to stand for this particular office?

    I have been part of FIGT’s Communications team for just over two years. What led me to volunteer then is what led me to stand for this new role. I wanted to use my professional expertise and experience in communications to give back to a community and organization that means so much to me and has greatly enriched my life. 

    Anything you particularly hope to accomplish this year?

    As someone who knows the value of being part of the FIGT community, I really want to make us more accessible and available to more people, particularly those who most need its support.

    I also want to see our community continue to become more inclusive of all the rich variety of globally mobile experiences.

    Your favorite thing about being a part of FIGT?

    There’s so much, I don’t know if I can pick one thing! I love how broad our community is — it doesn’t matter what your global mobility journey or experience looks like, you are welcome and valued here. I love the friendships I have formed, often with people who I have never met in person but who have hugely enriched my life.

    And day-to-day, I love working with the many dedicated volunteers who make up the Communications team — there’s a lot of laughter in our team meetings!

    Can you share a random piece of info about yourself please?

    To know me is to know my dogs. I’ve always loved dogs and during our time in Texas, we adopted two shelter mutts who are now highly pampered expat pets. I also became a shelter volunteer so people might be surprised to know that I’ve actually taken a lot of animal behavior and dog training courses.

    Please share some words of wisdom for FIGT members and globally mobile people in general

    It’s never too late to do whatever it is you want to do. My husband and I moved internationally for the very first time ten years ago when we were 40.

    So please don’t think that because you weren’t a Third Culture Kid or haven’t lived in more than a couple of countries, or haven’t written a book, that you somehow don’t belong in our community. You do. We’d love you to be part of FIGT!

    The Directors are already busy working! Learn more about Sarah and the other Board members, and stay connected via FacebookLinkedIn, or Twitter and sign up to our newsletter to get the latest!

  • 04 Nov 2020 10:00 PM | Anonymous

    Communications Co-Director Flor Bretón-García is passionate about intercultural communication. She wants to bring more voices that need to be heard to FIGT.

    blog post title: Meet the new FIGT communications co-director Flor Bretón-García

    Can you please briefly describe your FIGT role?

    I’m Co-Chair Director for Communications. I share the responsibility for external and internal communications with my colleague and co-chair Sarah Black.

    What inspired you to stand for this particular office?

    I’ve been part of FIGT’s volunteering workforce for eight months now. I treasure the values of the organization and the diversity of its members. 

    I’m also passionate about intercultural communications and digital content for nonprofit groups, so it seemed like a great opportunity for me to apply for this office and try to make it happen. I feel that I can make an important impact within the cross-cultural community.

    Anything you particularly hope to accomplish this year? What do you look forward to?

    My focus this year is to continue bringing the values of FIGT to more people around the world. There are still too many voices that need to be heard and being part of the communications team gives me the possibility to reach out to all those who aren’t part of FIGT yet. 

    Your favorite thing about being a part of FIGT?

    I love being surrounded by people with different backgrounds and ideas, the sense of community, and the possibility of using my skills to help others in transition. 

    Can you share a random piece of info about yourself please?

    I’m crazy about the beach. The blue waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Indian Ocean are definitely my happy place. I think growing up in Venezuela and living very close to the sea became part of my cultural identity and personality. 

    Please share some words of wisdom for FIGT members and globally mobile people in general

    Please don’t be afraid to raise your voice to support your own ideas and those of the people you believe in. Find the way to connect with others to use your skills to make the world a better place for all those in need, especially those families living abroad. 

    It is your energy and commitment that FIGT and the globally mobile community need to make their transition path as meaningful as possible! 

    We thank the outbound Directors for their leadership and welcome the new Directors. Learn more about Flor and the other Board members, and stay connected via FacebookLinkedIn, or Twitter and sign up to our newsletter to get the latest!

  • 01 Nov 2020 7:01 AM | Anonymous

    FIGT Focus is exploring privilege for November 2020. It’s a topic that makes many of us uncomfortable. It would be a whole lot easier to just not talk about. But we must. 

    Blog title: FIGT Focus for Nov 2020 is Privilege

    This month, FIGT Focus is exploring privilege. It’s a topic that makes many of us uncomfortable. In some contexts, it might make us feel resentful, frustrated or even angry—and often, rightly so. It can even bring up feelings of shame or embarrassment. It’s one of those topics that it would be a whole lot easier to just not talk about.

    But we must. 

    If we want to change the racism that many inside and outside our globally mobile community experience, then we all need to get uncomfortable. If we want to be more inclusive of all those people who are just a little different from us, whether through race, sexuality, religion, abilities, language or education, then we have to start with looking at privilege.

    The Board and the Communications volunteers have given a lot of thought to how we have this conversation together during the month of November. We will share some more on what topics you can expect to see us explore this month in this blog but first, we wanted to share some thoughts on how we discuss the thorny issue of privilege.

    We recognize our own privilege.

    As we approach conversations about race, national identity, language, and marginalization, we can begin by acknowledging the privilege we have in our own lives. You can read more about this in our first Conversation for Change blog.

    We acknowledge our own biases.

    Our brains are extraordinary but one of their shortcomings is that they categorize people and ideas too quickly, and in doing so, we can unintentionally marginalize others, and perpetuate racism and inequity. 

    There is a relationship between our experience of privilege and our brains’ biases. Acknowledging this and working towards greater awareness is a huge step, but so is understanding that we will still sometimes make mistakes. It is important to be willing to learn.

    We view privilege through the lens of global mobility.

    We are grateful for the many hard conversations that are happening around the world about privilege and inequity. Our role within that work is to look at how FIGT’s community and work are impacted by privilege and inequity.

    In line with our mission, we want to support the growth, success and well-being of people crossing cultures around the world.

    We hope that we will start conversations this month that continue to do that for some time to come. We will also continue to question who is not yet at the FIGT ‘table’ and do what we can to address this.

    We are borrowing an umbrella of forgiveness.

    Some of you will have seen the Lightning Session presented by FIGT Members Jerry Jones and Cath Brew at FIGT2019. As two people with apparently little in common and a lot of potential for negative assumptions about each other’s labels, Jerry began what would be a life-changing conversation for both of them by asking for an umbrella of forgiveness for what he feared he would get wrong.

    Please use Jerry’s umbrella freely this month so that we can create safe spaces where instead of being afraid to speak up and learn from each other, we ask questions and learn together, openly and honestly.

    ▶You can watch Cath & Jerry’s presentation here

    We know this can be hard.

    Looking at our own privilege and how it impacts others is uncomfortable. Sharing stories about how you have been discriminated against or marginalized is incredibly difficult. Being privileged also does not stop challenging things happening to you or experiencing stress or trauma.

    Be kind to yourself and whatever your situation and please remember to exercise some self-care. This has been a difficult year for so many. 

    Everyone’s experience has value.

    It doesn’t matter how long you have been living a transient life, or what your globally mobile journey looks like; your story and experience matter.

    We come ready to learn.

    No single one of us knows it all. We enter this conversation with humility, a willingness to ask our questions and to learn from the experience of others.

    We know that there is no ‘right’ thing to say and that it is sometimes better to put aside our fear of being judged for ‘getting it wrong’ and speak than to say nothing. We invite you all to come equally ready to share and contribute and to answer those questions.

    A recent New York Times article by Noor Brara on third culture kids expressed our feeling about how we move into this Focus on privilege together beautifully:

    “And because our stories couldn’t be gleaned from our outward appearances, accents or possessions, we all came humble to the table, open and permeable and ready to barter the surfaces of our souls: our learnings, our languages, our cuisines, our clothing.”

    What we will explore together this month

    Some of our community have graciously agreed to participate in panel discussions on three major themes this month. We debated whether we would pre-record these conversations or host them ‘live’. One of the issues that arose was timezones and access. As a result, these are being pre-recorded so that everyone can view them via our social media. 

    In addition, we will be sharing articles, blogs, and other content that we will hope will inspire thought and reflection around privilege.

    We hope that this will stimulate further discussion and sharing — we can only scratch the surface of these topics.

    Please keep the conversation going by commenting online and if you’re an FIGT Member, you can also use our closed Facebook Members group to engage further or share your feedback with us directly via figt2020@figt.org.

    • The privilege of language: This discussion will explore how different languages are viewed, the privilege of being multilingual, the privilege of having spoken language, and how language can be used to marginalize others

    • The privilege of race: How do racism and colorism impact our globally mobile community and how can we respond?

    • Standing outside: Privilege comes in many forms, and it can shift subtly with the context. This conversation will explore how it feels to be ‘outside’ the majority.

    We look forward to the start of what we hope will be a useful period of learning, reflection and sharing.

    To access the content:
    Please join us on FacebookLinkedIn, or Twitter. Video content will be available for the month and then archived to the members’ only section of this website.

  • 28 Oct 2020 8:47 AM | Anonymous

    October was Membership Drive month at FIGT but it’s not over yet! Find out more about Membership, why get involved, and how.

    Blog title: 2020 membership drive. Drawing of many hands holding strings connected to the letters FIGT. Drawn by Cath Brew

    October was Membership Drive month at FIGT. Without our members we would not, and could not, exist. 

    Throughout the month, we were excited to share a series of videos from FIGT Members describing what FIGT membership means to them. With such a diverse membership, FIGT means many different things to different people.

    ▶ If you’ve missed any of these videos, you can watch them all here. 

    A very big thank you to all our Members and Affiliates who participated by sharing their stories and promoting our content across social media. 

    It’s not too late to get involved! 

    October may be coming to an end, but our efforts to grow our membership are ongoing. 

    Learn more about our 2020 Membership Drive and please support our efforts by sharing our content across social media (with hashtag #OurFIGT) and encouraging your family, friends and colleagues to join us.

    Membership provides valuable opportunities to forge deep connections and share knowledge. 

    Members have access to a wide range of privileges, including high-quality member-only resources, an exclusive Facebook members group, discounts, volunteer opportunities, a listing in the Member Directory, and the opportunity to invest in and contribute to the field of global mobility.  

    Membership enables all of us to actively play a role in a diverse, enriching community. 

    Are you considering FIGT membership but still wondering if it’s for you? 

    One of our favourite things about FIGT is the diverse experiences of our Members. It doesn’t matter why you moved or how you moved—FIGT welcomes people with every type of global mobility experience.

    We break down some of the myths about FIGT membership in a recent blog article

    If you are not already a part of this unique and growing community, we extend a very warm invitation to join us.  We’d love to meet you and hear about your experiences.

    Did you know we have 4 different membership levels? 

    Have you considered renewing your membership at a different level? Perhaps you joined as an individual, but as a small-business owner, you may be wondering if a different membership level is for you.

    It may be a good time to review the different membership levels and their associated privileges to see what level best suits your current situation.

    Thank you to our Members!

    Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to send a heartfelt thank you to all our FIGT Members, past and present. 

    Through the support of our diverse and dynamic Members and the dedication of nearly 100 volunteers, FIGT has grown from a grassroots organization into a global community touching nearly every corner of the globe. 

    Membership and sponsorship are the cornerstones of our existence. They are fundamental to our ability to fulfill our mission to be a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them. 

    As we said at the top: without you, we would not, and could not, exist.

    (Cover drawing by Cath Brew, Drawn to a Story)

    If you have more questions about individual Membership, please visit our 2020 Membership Drive page for more information or reach out to Jodi Harris at vice-president@figt.org. For Sponsorship enquiries, please contact our Sponsorship Director at sponsorship@figt.org.

    Also don’t forget to join us on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter and sign up to our newsletter to get updates.

    Members who haven’t already: do send a request to join the FIGT Members Group on Facebook.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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